Chapter 5 Flashcards
What term describes the age at which half the individuals born in a given year will have died
Average Longevity (life expectancy)
What percent go longevity is genetics?
Between _____ and _____, the gain in overall life expectancy for Canadians was nearly ____ years, largely due to reductions in infant mortality
1921 and 2011, 25 years
In 2020, the average Canadian life expectancy at birth was estimated to be ______ years of age
The average life expectancy for women is _________ years and ________ years for men, why do men tend to die earlier?
85.9 ; 81.1
- more diseases for men
- more likely to drink and smoke
- more violent
- more likely to commit suicide
Women tend to live longer but that gap between men is closing, why?
- 97% of workplace accidents are men but things are becoming less manual and more safe
- women are working now (more stress)
- men are taking better care of themselves
people with more positive perceptions of aging live _____ years longer because they practice more preventative behaviours
7 1/2 years longer
What are basic self-care activities called and what are they?
Activities of Daily Living (ADL)
walking/moving around
There is a worldwide obesity epidemic, where the BMI has more than doubled since 1980, what sicknesses can this cause?
Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease
What does Comorbity mean with aging?
That there is usually a co-occurance of multiple chronic/acute diseases (there’s usually more than 1 thing at a time) and this risk increases as we age
What is the term for using five or more medications at once?
What is the term for what the body does to a drug (like absorption, distribution, excretion)
What is the term for what drugs do to the body? (like receptor binding, signal transduction)
As we get older, our ability to absorb drugs decreases, why?
loss of mucosal intestinal surface, gastro blood flow, and reduced gastric acidity
As we age, it gets harder for our bodies to distribute drugs, why?
Drugs need water or fat to travel (depends if its fat or water soluble), and when we loose muscle mass we loose water, so if the drug is water soluble then there’s too much to absorb
What are the 3 parts to Rowe and kahn’s 3 part model? (if you want to age successfully)
1) active engagement with life
2) no disease or disability
3) maintain cognitive and physical function
Explain Baltes and Baltes SOC model of successful aging
Selection = choose an area of focus
Optimization = maximize performance in that area of focus
Compensation = adjust so you can do it and make up for losses in one area with gains in another