Chapter 5 Flashcards
Coefficient omega
Another estimate of internal reliability shown to be superior to cronbavhs alpha
Concurrent validity
A type of construct validity that examines wether the measure can predict a criterion measured at the same time, rather than some criterion behaviour in the future.
Construct validity
The degree to which a measure accuratley measures the theoretical construct it is designed to measure
Content validity
A form of construct validity evaluated by comparing the content of the measure to the theoretical definition kf the construct, ensuring that all aspects of the construct are measured and no extraneus elements are also measured
Convergent validity
An aspect of construct validity assesed by examing the extent to which scores on the measure are related to other measures of the same similar construct.
Cronbachs alpha
An indicator of internal consistency reliability assessed by examining the average correlation of each item in a measure with every other question
Discriminant validity
An aspect of construct validity in which scores on a measure are not related to scores on conceptually unrelated measures; also known as divergent validity.
Face validity
The degree to which a measure appears to measure the intended variable.
Internal consitency reliability
A form of relaibility assesing the degree to which the items in a scale are consistent in measuring the same construct or variable.
Inter-rater relibility
An indicator of relibility that examines the degree to which two or more raters agree, having the same or similar judgement for a set of stimulis
Interval scale
A scale of measurement in which the intervals between numbers on the scale are all equal in size
Measurement error
Anything that contributes to the score on a measure that is not based on the true score. In other words this is responsible for the degree to which a score on a measure deviatea from the true value of the measured variable
Nominal scale
A scale of measurement with two or more categories that have no numerical properties eg greater than less than
Ordinal scale
A scale of measurement in which the measurement categories form a rank order along a continuum
Pearson correlation coefficient
A statistic indicating the strenght of correlation, appropiate for interval, scale data from a normal distibuted population