Chapter 42, Communication Flashcards
Importance of good communication
- reduces number mistakes made in the business
- the sense of belonging
- quicker decision making
- can be used as a marketing tool for a business
One way communication
the receiver has no right to reply
- easy
- cheap
- no justification
- less reliable
- may cause frustration
Two-way communication
sender and reviver of information
- more reliable
- receiver feels more involved
- needs justification
Formal Communication
officially sanctioned by the business and often done through procedures by employees of a higher hierarchy level
Informal Communication
has no established rules or procedures
Open Communication
involves the use of language that will be understood by the vast majority of the population
closed Communication
Involves using language specific to activities, procedures, and components within the business
Vertical communication
communication up and down the hierarchy
Horizontal Communication
communication between people on the same level of the hierarchy
Channels of Communication/ networks
the channel or path communcation takes within a business. this can be influenced by
- type of leader
- size of business
- experience of employees
- type of structure
usually used in a formal vertical hierarchy, information is passed down the hierarchy
- easy
- can cause Chinese whispers
has the leader or board of directors in the centre all communication goes through the leader
- allows leaders to keep in touch with everything that is taking place in the business
the restricted network that takes place between people on the same hierarchy level
- can be time-consuming
- expensive
All Networks
has no set route but communication free flows through the business
- quick
- suited to small businesses
Communication media
how the message is imparted to the receiver
- video
- notice
Barriers to Effective Communication
- technical: the ability of the receiver to receive the information (eg. too much noise)
- Semantic: the ability of the receiver to understand what is being sent
- Effectiveness: whether the information within the message is being acted on appropriately
Additional barriers
- the skill of sender
- ability of receiver
- body language
- Inappropriate medium used
- Cultural differces
- number of levels of hierarchy
- Amount of information
Group Norms
a set of rules that may be written unwritten spoken or even just implied
- Implicit norms: assumption
- Explicit Norms: written