Chapter 4.1 Flashcards
to polish
[ != 1 ]
[ + to shine ]
astiquer [astike]
[ != asticoter - to bug ]
[ > 3 ]
m. pl. gossip
[ une commérage, un ragot, une rumeur ]
badin (f badine) [badɛ̃, in]
[ > 1 ]
light-hearted, playful
[ > ludique ]
vestiaire [vɛstjɛr]
m. locker, changing room
[un placard - cupboard, closet]
se propager
[ > 6 ]
to spread (s’étendre), to be propagated
[ étaler, étendre, disséminer, déployer ]
[ > diffuser - to spread, to disseminate, to broadcast, to hand out, to distribute, to sell ]
[ > répandre - to spill, to spread, to scatter, to shed, to give off, to pour out ]
primordial (f primordiale, mpl primordiaux) [primɔrdjal, o]
[ > 1 ]
fundamental, essential, primordial (ursprünglich)
[ indispensable ]
bourrelet [burlɛ]
m. roll, fold (de chair, de graisse f.)
argot [argo]
m. slang
souder [sude]
[ > 4 ]
to weld, to bring / bind / join together
[ > rejoindre - to join, to meet with, to catch up with, to agree with, to get back, to return to ]
[ > joindre - to join, to combine, to connect, to put/bring together, to add, to attach, to contact, to get in touch with ]
[ > raccorder - to link, to connect, to join up, to couple, to align ]
[ réunir - to join/to tie/to bring together, to reunite ]
fourrure [furyr]
[ > 2 ]
[ != 1 ]
f. fur, coat
[ le poil, le pelage ]
[ != le fourrage ]
carabin [karabɛ̃]
m. medic (Mediziner)
to stray, to wander, to roam
canicule [kanikyl]
[ != 1 ]
f. scorching heat, midsummer heat
[ != un canular ]
démuni (f démunie) [demyni]
[pauvre] destitute (Not leidend, mittellos, verarmt), powerless (sans défense)
[ > la pénurie, la pauvreté ]
racket, din
[ > 5 ]
[ > une expression]
m. un vacarme [vakarm]
[ chahuter ]
[ > faire du foin ]
[ > un tintamarre, un tapage, un tumulte, un fracas ]
altier (altière) [altje, ɛr]
[ > 1 ]
[ > une expression ]
haughty (hochmütig), arrogant
avoir un port altier -
to carry oneself proudly
délabrer [delabre]
[ > 5 ]
to damage, to ruin
[abîmer, détraquer, dégrader, casser, briser]
décombres [dekɔ̃br]
m. pl. debris, rubble, wreckage, ruins (d’une civilisation)
[ le débris ]
farineux (f farineuse) [farinø, øz]
floury, mealy ( > la farine )
céder [sede]
[ > 3 ]
to give (up) [donner], to give away, to hand over [ remettre ], to sell, to donate [ > vendre ]
d’antan [ɑ̃tɑ̃]
of yesteryear (gestern, vergangenes Jahr)
se livrer à
[s’engager dans] to conduct, to be engaged in, to give oneself up to
défroisser [defrwase]
[ > 4 ]
to smooth out, to take the creases out of
[ < le froissement, froisser, friper, plisser ]
f. la soie [swa]
hood (d’une automobile)
[ != 1 ]
m. capot [kapo]
[ != une capote ]
interposer [ɛ̃tɛrpoze]
to interpose (eingreifen, dazwischentreten, dazwischenstellen)
dérisoire [derizwar] (adj.)
[ > 2 ]
ridiculous / derisory, inadequate, trifling (unbedeutend, belanglos, oberflächlich), pathetic
[ > une vétille - Kleinigkeit ]
[ > vaseux,se - muddy, silty, hazy, woozy, pathetic]
modalité [mɔdalite]
f. terms, conditions
joaillier, joaillière [ʒɔaje, ɛr]
m./f. jeweller
[ > un joyau ]
subsistance [sybzistɑ̃s]
f. subsistence (Lebensunterhalt, Existenz, Leben)
[ > 1 ]
to race, to take off, to get carried away
[ démarrer, s’envoler ]
pelouse [pəluz]
[ > 2 ]
f. lawn, grass, field (le sport)
[ le pré, une graminée ]
appeal (+2)
( + attraction, fascination )
m. un attrait [atrɛ]
émacier [emasje]
to emaciate (abzehren, ausmergeln)
incessant (f incessante) [ɛ̃sesɑ̃, ɑ̃t]
ceaseless, continual, unremitting, constant, incessant
aliter [alite]
to confine to bed
survenir [syrvənir]
to arise, to occur, to take place
niais (f niaise) [njɛ, njɛz]
[ > 5 ]
simple, simple-minded, inane (albern, dumm)
sot,te débile stupide bête con,ne
graveleux (f graveleuse) [gravlø, øz]
smutty (schmutzig, unflätig), gritty (grobkörnig)
[coquin,ne - naughty, mischievous]
[ grivois,e - vilain,e]
m. un beignet [bɛɲɛ]
désarroi [dezarwa]
m. dismay, (utter) confusion
horn, honk
m. un klaxon
[ > 1 ]
[ + jewel ]
m. un joyau (pl joyaux) [ʒwajo]
[ > un joaillier ]
un diseur, une diseuse [dizɶr, øz]
fourrage [furaʒ]
[ != 1 ]
m. fodder (Futter)
[ != la fourrure ]