Chapter 2.1 Flashcards
entrelacer [ɑ̃trəlase]
to intertwine, to interlace
[ != enlacer qn - to embrace sb tenderly ]
tant que
as, as long as, so much as, while
ce, cet (Rule)
ce becomes cet in front of a masculin noun that begines with a vowel or a mute h. (adjective démonstrative) [ cet homme, cet ordinateur ]
quincaillerie [kɛ̃kajri]
f. hardware store, guns
anytime, whenever
n’importe quand
[ > 8 ]
to bandage (up), to bend, to stretch, to tauten, to arch, to vault, to have a hard on (vulgaire)
[se cambrer - to arch, to bend ]
[ > tordre, plier, ployer ]
[ > courber - to bow, to bend ]
[ > tendre - to tighten, to stretch, to bend, to hold out, to crane, to offer, to strive ]
[ > fléchir - to weaken, to fall, to bend ]
[ > rafistoler - to patch up, to fix temporarily]
somptueux (f somptueuse) [sɔ̃ptɥø, øz]
[ > 1 ]
sumptuous (üppig, prächtig, kostbar, reich, verschwenderisch, oppulent), luxurious, magnificent, splendid, lavish (verschwenderisch, großzügig)
> copieux,se
m. toe
[ > 3 ]
to hold (back), to keep, to stifle (sich etwas verbeissen), to remember (se souvenir de)
[ > ravaler - to clean, to swallow, to stifle, to lower ]
[ > étouffer - to suffocate, to smother, to choke, to stifle, to lower ]
ball, nut (vulgaire) [kuj]
f. la couille (le testicule)
chouette [ʃwɛt]
fantastic, terrific, kind, helpful
idéogramme [ideɔgram]
m. ideogram (a graphic symbol that represents an idea or concept)i
rétorquer [retɔrke]
[ > 1 ]
to retort (erwiedern, entgegnen), to snap back
[ > répondre ]
m. pl. greetings, wishes
brut, brute
[ > 2 ]
raw, crude, coarse, untreated, naked, pure (émotion)
[ cru,e - rugueux,se ]
sacré (f sacrée) [sakre]
a hell of a lot, sacred, holy, hallowed
[ > 3 ]
f. joke, hoax
une plaisanterie, une vanne, un canular
[ > 9 ]
to praise, to extol (preisen, verherrlichen)
[ > se vanter:
frimer, crâner, ramener, se la péter, se targuer, se glorifier, se faire remarquer]
[ > ramener - to take/bring back, to restore, to draw, to pull, to show off ]
[ > vénérer ]
[ > prôner - to push for, to advocate, to commend, to extol ]
abominable [abɔminabl]
appalling, abominable (grässlich, abscheulich, ekelhaft), heinous, vile (gemein, niederträchtig)
j’ai hâte de
I’m looking forward to …
[ > 1 ]
to shrivel (schrumpfen, vertrocknen, runzlig werden)
[ > se recroqueviller ]
spectre [spɛktr]
[ > 1 ]
m. ghost, phantom (un fantôme), spectre (Br. Gespenst), figure, apparition, spectrum
m. pickle ( > un concombre)
morceau (mpl morceaux) [mɔrso]
[ > 2 ]
m. piece, bit, cut (de viande), passage (musique - le fragment), lump (Stück, Knoten, Klumpen, Brocken), chunk
[ le pan, une pièce ]
to curl up
[ > 1 ]
[ + to shrivel ]
se recroqueviller
[ > ratatiner ]
assister à
[ > 1 ]
to attend, (être présent à) to be at, to witness
to walk around, to bypass, to skirt (tangieren, begrenzen, umranden, etwas umgehen, ausweichen), to fashion, to shape (modeler, façonner)
se dégarnir
to thin out, to become depleted (se vider), to lose its leaves
[ > 3 ]
f. seawall, embankment, barrier
[ > le quai ]
[ > un remblai / un talus - elevation, embankment ]
[ > 2 ]
to plan, to arrange, to throw, to hurl, to cast, to show, to project
[ > précipiter - to throw, to hurl, to plunge, to quicken, to hasten, to speed up ]
[ > lancer - to throw, to fire, to shoot, to let out, to make, to launch, to get going, to stab ]
[ > 4 ]
glum (bedrückt, niedergeschlagen), moody, morose (mürrisch, griesgrämig, übel gelaunt)
> renfrogné / bourru - sullen (mürrisch, mismutig, unfreundlich), surly
rébarbatif,ve / revêche - surly, cantankerous
exécrable [ɛgzekrabl]
[ > 3 ]
abysmal (abgrundtief, bodenlos, miserabel), awful, foul, wretched (jämmerlich, erbärmlich, armselig), vile
[ > chétif,ve - meagre, poor, puny (kümmerlich, klein, kläglich), stunted ]
[ > abominable ]
[ > étriqué- mean, petty, skimpy ]
[ > 1 ]
m. right, law, duty, tax, fee
[ > avoir la faculté de - to have the right to ]
assurance [asyrɑ̃s]
f. insurance, assurance (Versicherung, Bekräftigung), self-confidence (Selbstbewusstsein)
m. thumb
allumette [alymɛt]
f. match (pour allumer)
pour que
so that, in order that (afin que)
+ subjonctif
le poing [pwɛ̃]
trousseau (pl trousseaux) [truso]
[ > 1 ]
m. a bunch of
> une trousse - case, bag, kit
quota [k(w)ɔta]
m. quota (Quote, Kontingent, Anteil, Pensum [lat. Tagesarbeit, Aufgabe] )
[ > 1 ]
to push / move back, to recede, to weaken, to postpone, to defer (verschieben, vertagen)
[ > un recul ]
mon / ma exception?!
If the noun is feminine and singular, but begins with a vowel, use mon. (adjectifs possessifs)
[ > 6 ]
to empty, to deplete (führen, aufbrauchen, ausbeuten), to drain
[ > siphonner ] [ > vidanger - to empty, to drain ] [ > vider ] [ > égoutter - to drain, to drip ] [ > écouler - to sell, to dispose of, to get rid of, to pass, to drift away ] [ > exténuer - to exhaust, to tire out ]
déprimant (f déprimante) [deprimɑ̃, ɑ̃t]
depressing, demoralizing ( > je me sens déprimé aujourd’hui )
I should have
j’aurais dû (conditionnel passé)
+ verbe au infinitif présent
to start, to begin (une négociation, une procédure, un tournoi [tournament, challenge] ), to take a stand, to enlist (le militaire)
tout en + gérondif
to expect
to expect, to anticipate
s’attendre à
mugissement [myʒismɑ̃]
[ > 1 ]
m. mooing (d’une vache), howling, roaring, thundering
[ > rugir - to roar ]
to muse, to think, to reflect, to dream
to squat down
[ > 1 ]
[ + to crouch down ]
[ > se tapir - to crouch down, to hide, to lurk ]
(sur un fil) to thread, to slip on / into, to take, to use, to screw (vulgaire)