Chapter 1 - Un Ovni ... Flashcards
[ > 2 synonyms]
m. shiver, shudder, thrill (Erregung, Nervenkitzel)
> un frémissement
> un tressaillement
[ > un synonym]
[ > oldest ]
( + youngest )
cadet, cadette [kadɛ, ɛt]
> plus jeune
aîné,e - the oldest (un enfant)
[ > to drip (2) ]
[ > 2 verbes ]
to run (down), to pour / to trickle down, to flow, to go under, to sink
[ > ruisseler, dégouliner ]
[ > sombrer - to sink, to fall, to collapse, to decline, to fade, to founder (=versinken, untergehen)]
[ > engloutir - to devour, to gobble up, to wolf down, to go down, to sink down ]
[ > 2 ]
(eingebildet, eitel)
[ + arrogant, proud ]
orgueilleux (f orgueilleuse) [ɔrgɶjø, øz]
[ > altier,ère - haughty, arrogant ]
[ > fier,ère - proud, noble ]
souci [susi]
[ > 2 ]
m. worry
( > se soucier de )
> pas de soucis
[ > 4 ]
to give a hint of, to give a faint / slight … , to outline, to sketch
> griffonner, ébaucher, relever, un croquis
chemin de fer
[ > 2 ]
m. railroad
> une cheminée - chimney, shaft, fireplace
un cheminot
[ > 3 ]
( + forever, perpetually )
perpétuellement [pɛrpetɥɛlmɑ̃]
> constamment
sans cesse
to unhook, to take off / down, to uncouple
lourdaud, lourdaude [lurdo, od]
[ > 3 ]
oafish (tölpelhaft), clumsy
> un malotru - scoundrel, oaf, bumpkin
maladroit - awkward, clumsy, tactless, heavy-handed
balourd,e - awkward
lacking in
( + devoid of )
dénué de
[ != 1 ]
( + because )
[ != lorsque - when ]
unanimité [ynanimite]
f. unanimity (Einstimmigkeit)
étriqué, étriquée [etrike]
[ > 4 ]
petty (kleinlich, lächerlich, armselig, unbedeutend), mean, skimpy (knapp, spärlich)
> radin,e - stingy
une parcimonie
une austérité
lésiner sur
sceau (pl sceaux) [so]
[ != 2 ]
[ > 7 ]
m. seal, mark, stamp, footprint, imprint (une empreinte)
[ != le seau / le sou ]
[ > une marque, un timbre ]
[ > calfeutrer - to make draft-proof, to seal ]
[ > colmater, sceller, fermer, cacheter, un cachet ]
volubile [vɔlybil]
> 4
garrulous (gesprächig, geschwätzig), voluble (redselig), fluent (avec aisance)(f. ease)
[ > causant,e / bavard,e ]
[ > jaseur,se / loquace ]
haut de gamme
[ > 5 ]
f. top of the range, high-end, high-quality, prestigious (angesehen, renommiert)
> à la pointe - cutting edge, state of the art
éminent, célèbre, renommé, prestigieux
m. un sèche-cheveux [sɛʃʃəvø]
[ > 4 ]
ordinairy, plain, average, lacklustre, mediocre, nothing special
> banal, éteint, terne, vulgaire
mouchoir [muʃwar]
[ != 1 ]
[ > 1 ]
m. handkerchief, paper tissue
[ != une mâchoire - jaw ]
[ > un tissu ]
[ > 2 ]
[ + grumpy ]
bougon, bougonne [bugɔ̃, ɔn]
> ronchon - grumpy ( > ronchonner, râler )
grognon - grouchy ( > grogner - to grumble, to grunt, to growl )
[ > 3 ]
m. flood, tide, stream - les flots: waves
> un fil - thread, strand, linen, wire, string, edge, current, stream
un courrant - current, stream, trend, movement, shift
ruisseler - to stream, to trickle, to drip
succinct (f succincte) [syksɛ̃, ɛ̃t]
[ > 3 ]
succinct (prägnant, bündig), brief, concise
[ > incisif - scharfsinnig, treffend, prägnant ]
[ concis,e ]
[ laconique - brief, concise, laconic (bündig, prägnant) ]
ruban [rybɑ̃]
m. ribbon, tape, band
acheminer [aʃmine]
[ > 1 ]
to convey, to move, to forward
> amener - to bring along, to take, to convey, to introduce, to cause
parapluie [paraplɥi]
[ > 1 ]
m. umbrella
> un pépin
m. UFO (objet volant non identifié)
[ > 2 ]
to stick, to glue, to press (appuyer), to cling, to follow closely, to tag along behind
> une colle - trick question
un collant - (pair of) tights, pantyhose
affaler sur / dans / devant
[ > 5 ]
to slump into (zusammensacken, sich fallen lassen, abnehmen, plumpsen), to collapse into
[ s’avachir, s’écrouler, s’effondrer ]
[ > sombrer - to sink, to fall, to collapse, to decline, to fade, to founder ]
[ dégringoler - to go down, to collapse, to race/tumble down, to knock over ]
m. un rictus [riktys]
[ > 1 ]
( + portfolio )
m. un portefeuille
[ > un porte-monnaie ]
to overflow, to run / to boil / to spill over, to jut out (hinausragen)
[ > 2 ]
( + parcel )
m. un colis
> un progiciel - software package
un paquet
onéreux, onéreuse [ɔnerø, øz]
[ > 2 ]
[ != 2 ]
costly, expensive
[ > cher (f chère) ]
[ > prohibitif,ve ]
[ != bon marché, pacotille ]
to land, to end up / to wind up
to handle
[ > 5 ]
( + to use, to operate )
> user, utiliser, se servir de, profiter de, brûler
tandis que
[ > 1 ]
while, whilst (soutenu), as, whereas (während, wohingegen)
> tant que - as, as long as, so much as, while
She lay sprawled on her stomach
Elle était affalée sur le ventre
bundle #2
[ > 2 ]
[ + wad (Bündel, Haufen) ]
f. une liasse
[ > une botte - boot, bunch, bundle, sheaf, thrust ]
[ > un trousseau de ]
( + beauty spot )
un grain de beauté