Chapter 4: Theories of Learning and Behavioral Modification Flashcards
Give an example of an unconditioned stimulus (UCS) and UCR
5FU chemotherapy UCS
Give examples of CS and CR?
CS hospital
CR N & V
What is operant condition?
learning occurs when a behavior is followed by an event
Primary reinforcer?
key motivator for behavior;
often a physiological or psychological necessity
ex: food, water, sex
Secondary reinforcer?
stimulus or situation that gains reinforcing power through link to primary reinforcer
(i.e money, tokens)
What are the 2 types of reinforcers?
positive and negative reinforcer
Positive reinforcer? (Example?)
a stimulus that, when applied, following an operant response, strengthens probability of that response occurring
e.g. an employee gets a bonus at work after completing a big project; that will be a positive incentive to perform well again
Negative reinforcer?
stimulus that, when removed following an operant response, strengthens probability of that response occurring
e.g. a child cleans up his room (response/desired behavior) in order to stop the parent’s nagging (negative reinforcer)
a stimulus that will decrease the probability of the response. Usu. uses an aversive stimulus to the individual. (you want to decrease the response)
refers to disappearance of a response when no longer being reinforced
Which type of reinforcement produces the greatest resistance to extinction?
variable ratio schedule
Continuous reinforcement? (Is learning fast or slow?)
every response followed by a reinforcement (results in fast learning)
What is intermittent (or partial) reinforcement?(compare learning and extinction)
not every response is reinforced (learning is slower and response harder to extinguish)
Interval schedule types?
fixed interval and variable
Ratio schedule types?
fixed ratio and variable ratio
Fixed interval schedule
reinforces the response that occurs after a fixed period of time elapses
Variable interval schedule? (also give an example)
Delivers reinforcement after unpredictable time periods elapse (surprise bonus you can get anytime)
Fixed ratio schedule? (Give an example)
delivers reinforcement after a fixed number of responses (getting a bonus after every 3 projects completed.
Variable ratio schedule? (Also give example)
delivers reinforcement after a changing number of responses (getting a bonus after completing undisclosed number of projects)
learning occurs through observation
Systematic desensitzation?
imagining oneself in a progression of fearful situations and using relaxation strategies that compete with anxiety
treatment by forced exposure to the feared object
or massive exposure, is where patients are exposed to a max intensity anxiety-producing situation. (if imagine called implosion)
Aversive conditioning? (Also example of a drug causing this.)
occurs when a stimulus that produces undesired behavior is paired with an aversive stimulus (disulfuram)
Shaping? (Also what is another name for it?)
(or successive approximations) achieves final target behavior by reinforcing successive approximations of desired response
Stimulus control?
where a stimulus inadvertently acquire control over behavior (watching TV while eating)
Biofeedback (also another name for it)
(neurofeedback) uses external feedback via instruments to provide usually unperceived biologic information subsequently used to modify internal physiologic states.
gradually removing the reinforcement without the individual becoming aware of the difference
Learned helplessness?
a state that occurs after a person has experienced a stressful situation repeatedly. They believe that they are unable to control or change the situation, so they do not try, even when opportunities for change are available.
(animal model of depression)
Low rate of response-contingent reinforcement?
another explanation for depression. Person receives too little predictable positive reinforcement and may lack the social skills necessary to elicit this positive reinforcement
(ex. a man who feels he receives no positive reinforcement from his spouse can become depressed, even if he seems otherwise successful)