Chapter 3: Developmental Life Cycle Flashcards
CNS origin of the moro reflex?
brain stem/ vestibular nuclei
Another name for the moro reflex?
startle reflex
Features of the moro reflex?
rapid extension of arms and opening of hands when child is startled
Onset and extinction of moro reflex?
birth to 5 months
CNS origin of grasp reflex?
brain stem/ vestibular nuclei
Onset and extinction of the grasp reflex?
birth to 5 months
Features of the grasp reflex?
fingers curl around object placed in hand
Features of the rooting reflex?
baby turns face toward direction of touch and begins to make sucking motions
Onset and extinction of the rooting reflex?
birth to 5 months
CNS origin of rooting reflex?
brain stem/ trigeminal
Babinski sign features?
not pathological in newborns
stroking bottom of foot causes the toe to move upward instead of downward in normal adults
Onset and extinction of the Babinski reflex?
birth to 1 year
Approximately what age can a circle be drawn?
age 3
Approximately what age can a triangle be drawn?
age 6
Approximately what age can a diamond be drawn?
Approximately what age can a rectangle be drawn?
4 1/2
Approximately what age can a square be drawn?
Approximately what age can a cross be drawn?
Stranger anxiety?
distress in presence of unfamiliar people
Separatation anxiety?
distress following separation from a caretaker
When does stranger anxiety peak and how long does it last?
peaks at age 8 months and lasts 1 year
When does separation anxiety start and how long does it last?
8 months and can last until age 2 years
First year of life physical and motor development?
- puts everything in mouth
- follows objects to midline (4 wk)
- sits with support (4 mo)
- feet in mouth (5 mo)
- changes hands with toy (6 mo)
- one- handed approach grasp of toy
- bang and rattle stage
- stands with help (8 mo)
- crawls, fear of falling (9 mo)
- pincer grasp (10 mo)
Child development milestones Age 1.
Child development milestones Age 2.
Child Development milestones Age 3.
Child development milestones age 4.
Child develoment milestones age 5.
Erikson theory of cognitive development from birth to 2 years of age?
Trust vs mistrust
- develop feeling of trust that their wants will be satisfied
- if not parent is not attentive, will learnt to mistrust
Freud theory of cognitive development from birth to 2 years?
mouth is the main site of gratification; manifested by chewing, biting, and sucking
Piaget theory of cognitive development in birth - 2 years?
- begin to learn through sensory observation
- gain control of motor functions through activity, exploration, and manipulation of the environment
- achieve object permanence
Erikson, Freud and Piaget cognitive theories of development age 2-4 yrs.
Erikson, Freud and Piaget cognitive theories of development age 4-6 years.
Erikson, Freud and Piaget cognitive theories of development age 6-12 years.
Erikson, Freud and Piaget cognitive theories of development teenage years.
Erikson, Freud and Piaget cognitive theories of development early adulthood.
Erikson, Freud and Piaget cognitive theories of development age middle adulthood.
Erikson, Freud and Piaget cognitive theories of development (late adulthood).
Gender identity?
child’s sense of maleness or femaleness
Sexual identity?
determined by secondary sexual characteristics
Gender dysphoria?
“disconnect” between gender identity and sexual identity
Gender role?
determined by behaviors exhibited by a child;
can be congruent or incongruent to childs gender ID (usu congruent)
Sexual orientation.
determined by gender ID and attraction to other gender identies
Be able to describe female breast, male genitalia, and what similarities there are in both genders in regards to pubic hair in Tanner stage I.
Female breasts: preadolescent
Pubic hair (both): none
Male genitalia: childhood size
Be able to describe female breast, male genitalia, and what similarities there are in both genders in regards to pubic hair in Tanner stage II.
Female breasts: breast bud
Pubic hair (both): sparse, long straight
Male genitalia: enlargement of scrotum, testes
Be able to describe female breast, male genitalia, and what similarities there are in both genders in regards to pubic hair in Tanner stage III.
Female breasts: areolar diameter enlarges, breast elevates
Pubic hair (both): darker, curling, increased amount
Male genitalia: penis grows in length; testes continue to enlarge
Be able to describe female breast, male genitalia, and what similarities there are in both genders in regards to pubic hair in Tanner stage IV
Female breasts: secondary mound; separation of contours
Pubic hair (both): course, curly, adult type
Male genitalia: penis grows in length/ breadth; scrotum darkens, testes enlarge
Be able to describe female breast, male genitalia, and what similarities there are in both genders in regards to pubic hair in Tanner stage V.
Female breasts: mature female
Pubic hair (both): adult, extends to thighs
Male genitalia: adult shape/size
Examples of preventive care?
may include aspirin therapy and lipid management
Screening 2 main conditions of focus in aging individuals?
cancer and abdominal aortic aneurysm
Breast cancer screening age?
> 40 women
Colorectal cancer screening age?
men and women > 50
Depression screening age?
> 65 risk factor for suicide
Adjustment disorder
when life changes cause stressors that require coping mechanisms
What are some life changes that can lead to adjustment disorder?
retirement, even when voluntary; illness
Hospice care?
care for terminally-ill patients with a life expectance of ≤ 6 months
Kubler Ross stages?
Aggression and suicide can be associated with decreased levels of what neurotransmitter?
Compare and contrast timeframe of normal grief to depression?
Normal Grief:
Normal up to 1 year
after 1 year, sooner if symptoms severe
Compare and contrast crying, libido, weight, and sleep patterns in normal grief with depression.
crying, decrease libido, weight loss, insomnia
same but more severe
Compare and contrast longing and wishing to see loved ones illusions and hallucinations of seeing them?
With symptoms of grief/ with symptoms of depression
longing, wish to see loved one, may think they hear or see loved on in a crowd (illusion)
abnormal overidentification, personality change
Match: loss of other and loss of self with depression or normal grief?
loss of other
loss of self
Suicidal ideation in normal grief vs depression?
suicidal ideation rare in normal grief;
suicidal ideation is common in depression
Do symptoms stop in depression?
symptoms do not stop (may persist for years)
Be able to understand this image of female tanner stages.
Understand this image of male tanner stages.
Language capabilities reached at 3 months?
3 letter word coo
Language capabilities reached at 6 months?
6 letter word babble
Language capabilities reached at 12 months?
- says 3-5 words
- uses nonverbal gesture (e.g waving goodbye)
Language capabilities reached at 9 months?
9 letter word imitation
Language capabilities at 18 months?
- 10+ word vocabulary
- identifies common objects
Language capabilities at 2 years?
- 300+ word vocabulary
- 2-3 word phrases
- states own name
Language capabilities at 3 years?
- 3-4 word sentences
- asks “why” questions
- states own age
Social/cognitive capabilities at 12 months?
- may have separation anxiety
- searches for hidden objects
Social/cognitive capabilities at 2 years?
- begins parallel play
- begins to gain independence from parents
Social/cognitive capabilities at 18 months?
- has temper tantrums
- understands ownership “mine”
- imitates others
Social/cognitive capabilities at 3 years?
- begins associative play
- toilet trained, except wiping