Chapter 4 (Psychopharmacology) Flashcards
What is the dose-response (DR) curve?
the relation between drug dose and magnitude of drug effect (note after a certain point, no more of the drug will produce a better effect)
The amount of time required to eliminate 50% of the
drug from the body is called?
the therapeutic index measures what?
The effectiveness of a drug is considered
relative to its safety -> big number is better!
The body’s attempt is trying to build _____ to maintain
homeostasis (e.g., the body eliminates ______) in response to repeated drugs.
Tolerance, postsynaptic recepetors
Drug distribution depends on two factors…
- depends on lipid solubility
- and on the extent to which the drug binds to blood proteins
(albumin): increased depot binding delay and prolongation
of drug’s effect . . . Only when all albumin is accounted for
will the drug enter the brain.
The study of drug absorption, distribution within the body, and
drug elimination is called
Psychopharmacology is the study of _____
of the effects of drugs on the nervous system and on behavior
Depressants: _____ cognitive and behavioral
processing abilities
Provide 3 examples:
Depressants: reduce cognitive and behavioral
processing abilities
- Alcohol
– Barbiturates
– Benzodiazepines
Stimulants: _____ cognitive and behavioral
processing abilities
Provide 3 examples:
- Caffeine, nicotine
– Cocaine
– Amphetamines
Intravenous: this is administered _____
* ___ absorption (of most common methods)
* ____ duration of effect
into the vein, fastest, short
Inhalation: This is administered ____
* Quite _____ effect: Medicinal marijuana?
into the lungs, fast
Oral: This is administered
* most _____
* Relatively ____, can only use drugs that won’t get broken down in
* Relatively ____ duration of effect
* Some drugs are altered during digestion: therefore, they must be injected
via the mouth, common, slow, long
Topical: This is administered _____
* Very ____ (nicotine patch
via through the skin, slow
Pharmacokinetics is the study
of drug absorption, distribution within the body, and drug elimination
Absorption depends on the ____
route of administration
Drug distribution
* depends on ____
* and on the extent to which the drug binds to blood proteins
lipid solubility
(albumin): causes _____ -> which leads to _____
of the drug’s effect… Only when ________
will the drug enter the brain…
increased depot binding, delay, and prolongation, all albumin is accounted for
Drug action stops with the help of deactivation
enzymes found in the:
– Liver
– Kidney
– Blood
– brain
Transmitter substances (NT, Hormones, etc. ) are
– Synthesized, stored, released, and terminated
– Susceptible to drug manipulation
4 criteria for NTs
- must be found in a neuron
- must be released from terminal buttons with an AP
- must make EPSP or IPSP on the target issue
- there must be a mechanism to turn it off (ex. enzymes or reuptake)