Chapter 4 Population Genetics & Natural Selection Flashcards
Identify the attributes of alleles as Mendel investigated with pea plants.
There can be more than two alleles in a population.
They can be either dominant or recessive.
A sexually-reproducing organism will inherit one allele from each parent.
Identify the importance of isolation among populations.
It allows the populations to diverge genetically.
It increases the genetic diversity among populations.
Select the best example of an ecotype.
The lowland populations of the sticky cinquefoil.
Select the best example of a phenotypic plasticity.
A plant that grows more quickly when provided with additional nutrients.
Phenotypic variance can be subdivided into which two components?
variance due to environmental effects
inheritable variance due to genetic effects
In the presence of non-native plants, soapberry bugs (Jadera haematolama) switched from native plants that have a larger fruit radius to introduced plants with a smaller fruit radius. As a result of switching to a different species plant, these bugs evolved beaks that became ______.
smaller as a result of directional selection acting on a heritable trait
Inbreeding typically occurs ______.
in small populations because matings between close relatives are more likely