Chapter 4: Leadership Behavior Styles Flashcards
___ style of leadership is a manager that makes his/her own decisions and announces them to subordinates, expecting them to be carried out w/out question. Attempt to influence subordinates by use of the delegated power to them.
“Tell” style of leadership
___ style of leadership makes all the decisions, but attempts to persuade subordinates to accept the decisions.
“Sell” style of leadership
____ style of leadership is the manager does not make any decisions until the problem has been presented to members of a group to get their advice or suggestions. Manager still makes the ultimate decision.
“Consult” style of leadership
____ style of leadership delegates the authority for making decisions to subordinates. Primary function of this leadership style is to help define the problem and limits within which the decision must be made. Either a consensus or majority opinion will bring forth a decision.
“Join” style of leadership
What type of leadership is; Country Club management, Impoverished Management, Middle of the Road Management, Authority Compliance management and Team Management and what is the view of the 2 basic concerns that a manager is believed to have in this type?
A “Grid Model” type of leadership. The 2 most basic concerns for management on this type is; Concerns for people on one side and Concerns for Production on the other side.
Thoughtful attentions to the needs of people leads to a comfortable friendly organization. Please people. Embrace opinions and ideas rather than push their own are this type of manager according to the grid model.
Country Club
Efficiency in operations in work conditions in a way that human elements interfere to a minimum degree. They tend to control meetings and structure them to only “how” questions as apposed to “why” are these types of managers according to the grid model
Authority Compliance
Exert minimum effort to get work done. Indifferent to others and normally accept decisions of both superiors and subordinates. Strive for neutrality and do not likely reveal ideas, attitudes or opinions are this type of management according to the grid model.
Impoverished Management
Have adequate organization performance through balancing necessity to get out the work with maintaining morale of the people. Willing to compromise with people of hold different ideas, opinions, attitudes of theirs. Fear of being wrong, but use questions as a test or probe of the field to go along with majority view. When conflict arise they try to negotiate away are this type of management according to the grid model.
Middle-of-the-road management
Work accomplishment is from committed people through a common stake in organization and relationship. Place high values on creative decisions that result in understanding and agreement. They listen and seek out ideas that tend to achieve the purpose of the police department. They command respect by others by their behavior is this type of management according to the grid model.
Team Management
What’s the difference between a double loop and single loop learning police agency.
Double loop agency demonstrates behaviors of openness, systematic thinking, creativity, self-confidence and empathy. Single Loop agency focuses on solving problems in the present w/out examining how these problems effect the entire department.
According to Peter Senge, “System thinking, Personal Mastery, Mental Models, Building a Shared vision, and Team Learning” are?
The 5 Disciplines that tend to create an innovative learning police agency.
Discipline that recognizes the multiple levels of understanding, explanation and issues develop in any complex situation is?
System Thinking Discipline
Discipline that indicates a special level of ability on the part of the leader. Starts w/ clarifying the issues that really matter to the PD…is?
Personal Mastery Discipline
Discipline that is deeply ingrained assumptions, values, beliefs, generalizations and images that have an effect on how we understand our responsibilities in the world around us. Starts by looking inward and then examining “pictures” of what the PD is accurate or not….is?
Mental Models Discipline
Discipline when a genuine vision for the future exists and the members of the PD will learn and make decisions with that vision. PD members will support the vision as long as the leaders support the vision…is?
Building a Shared Vision Discipline.
Discipline that means information is constantly shared between members of the PD in a “Dialogue” or free flowing of meaning through a group….is?
Team Learning Discipline.
In choosing a leadership style what three things should a police manager consider?
1) Personal relationships w/members. 2) degree of structure in the task to be performed. 3) authority, power, and responsibility provided by the managers position within the org.
What is Reality Leadership?
Focuses on the realities of the given situation. ie… The police manage will advise subordinates ahead of time which condition will produce which style of leadership)
Decisions by police managers are affected by what two components?
Forces within themselves, and Forces in the situation. Different forces will greatly affect the leadership style employed by the manager.
What are “Challenging the process, inspiring a shared vision, enabling other to act, modeling the way and encouraging the heart” in defining an effective manager?
Effective Leadership Practices
This leadership practice has leaders look for ways to alter the status quo to ignite enthusiasm in themselves as well as others, where they search out challenging opportunities to change, grow and improve along with experiment and take risks….is?
Challenging the Process Leadership Practice.
This leadership practice includes the ability to envision the future and to enlist others in shared vision. Its creating images and actually seeing the future, having a sense of possibilities and taking pride in being a different police agency…is?
Inspiring a Shared Vision Leadership Practice
This leadership practice has a police manager foster collaboration include always saying “we”, creating a climate of trust to focus on gains rather than losses. Involving people in planning and problem-solving and being a risk taker when it comes to trusting others….is?
Enabling Others to Act Leadership Practice
This leadership practice makes two commitments by first setting an example that is positive and the second is to plan small wins….is?
Modeling the Way Leadership Practice
This leadership practice two commitments by recognizing the subordinates contributions and second linking the rewards with those performances…is? Pushing and striving for them to be as best they can.
Encouraging the Heart Leadership Practice
In TQM “Total Quality Management who are the “customers” who are the ultimate determiner of quality?
Citizens, courts, offices of local government, corrections, other LEO agencies, the media.
In Developing Organizational Teamwork, what three step method first uses both the subordinate and manager to agree on the task responsible for the subordinate, then the manager outlines the authority willing to give the subordinate which is broken down in three levels “(Sub reports before acting, 2) Sub has authority to act, but reports to manager or 3) Sub given complete authority)”, then them manager evaluates the results….is?
FARs….Functions-Authority- Results.