Chapter 18: Ethics for the 21st Century Flashcards
Definition of Ethics;
Principles of correct or good behavior
What are the 5 ethical systems spoken about in this chapter?
1)Utilitarian Ethics, 2)Rule Ethics, 3)Social Contract Ethics, 4)Justice Ethics, 5) Personalistic Ethics
This Ethics determine right or wrong by concentrating on sequence of behavior, believes in actions that cause the greater good. Believe if the sum of the total out come is better than the sum of the total negative effects.
Utilitarian Ethics
This Ethics determined entirely by rules and laws. There is no room to compromise. usually police, public works, fire dept weigh heavier on this type of ethics. Negative aspect is judgement is taken away;
Rule Ethics
This Ethics believes the rightness of behavior is determined by the customs and norms of the dept, city/gov and community. Usually guidelines are not written rule, procedure, but are custom and supported by unwritten rule;
Social Contract Ethics
This Ethics is determined that all persons receive opportunities and a fair share. See all people the same and is defined as a democratic principle in many instances;
Justice Ethics
This Ethics is determined as adhering to one’s conscience. Emphasizes the truth in the eyes of the beholder. Based on personal feelings and not necessarily on knowledge that may be provided;
Personalistic Ethics
A leader who uses this type of Ethics uses manipulation to achieve results, are described as autocratic manager. Needs this manipulation to achieve power, to have the authority, to bring about discipline in order to maintain system goals;
Utilitarian Ethics
This leader who uses this style of ethics relate very much to the avoidance style of management. They rely heavily on their current position to establish an ethical standard. They weigh heavily on a promotional system that has seniority and past achievements.
Rule Ethics
Managers who use this style of Ethics are sometimes referred a implementing a “professional” style of leadership. They rely on knowledge and experience, but do not limit it to themselves as they seek out others knowledge and experience. Heavy emphasis on dept values. Managers who support this style of ethics would praise an officer who bypasses a rule to achieve a stated dept principle.
Social Contract Ethics
This police manager using this ethics style rely heavily on Team management practice. A fairness. The democratic principle can be seen in city councils who emphasize affirmative action programs. A negative is that sometimes the pressure from the groups become to powerful within the department.
Justice Ethics
This manager who uses this ethics style allows people within the agency to become better human beings. Emphasize in transforming themselves, others into better people than they thought they could be. A negative is a manager who uses this empowers other people who may not respond effectively to the new degree of authority/responsibility placed on them.
Personalistic Ethics
Sherman referred to this of an officer who became involved with serious deviance would began with lower levels of deviance and referred the progress as?
Officers Moral Career
The first level of an officer moral career would be?
Contingencies….(Social pressures exerted on officers that influence attitudes and behaviors towards corruption. Does not dictate it, but influences it)
The 2nd level of an officer moral career would be?
Moral Experience…..(Sudden awaking to corruptions or opportunities for corruption that can no longer be denied. Leads to “Options”. Ignoring it, escaping the dilemma, leave LE, or blowing the whistle)
The 3rd level of an officer moral career would be?
Apologia……(Rationalization and justification that an officer makes to neutralize the cognitive dissonance that results from the acting unethically).
What is the difference between gratuities and graft?
Gratuities (low level gifts from, holiday gifts). Graft (more serious corruption with two layers, Clean and Dirty).
What is a Clean Graft?
Officers overlooking illegal behaviors in exchange for money.
What is a Dirty Graft?
Officer are more active in pursuit of bribe money, extortion for protections of criminals.