Chapter 4: Human Evolution (not on exam) Flashcards
Large changes are caused by lots of small changes, over a long period
Punctuated equilibrium
Periods with no change that are punctuated with a sudden change
The study of what happens to organic remains after death
Mosaic evolution
Phenotypic pattern that shows how different traits of an organism may evolve at different rates
Upright, two-legged locomotion
All members of the genus Homo who show evidence of bipedalism
Carrying model
Bipedalism freed hands for carrying food, children etc.
Effective heat management
Less body was exposed to direct sun
Greater endurance
Energy efficiency
Increasing height
Better vision, more food, and display
Walking in trees
Ex: Orangutans
A. Afarensis
Australopithecine, smaller brain than humans, split into 2 groups
H. Erectus
Pushed hominin range beyond Africa into Asia and Europe
40,000 years ago
Lower Paleolithic
Period of hominid development
Middle Paleolithic
Neanderthals/H.sapiens appear
Upper Paleolithic
Homo Sapiens & H. floresiensis
Short, broad nosed, fair skinned, light hair, barrel-chested
Neanderthal extinction
Multiple theories. There was interbreeding between neanderthals and H.sapiens though
Only have teeth and a finger bone
DNA found in modern populations in Asia