Chapter 11: Marriage, Family, and Gender Flashcards
Systems that focus on ideas about shared substance and its transmission.
Descent groups
Those who trace their lineage to a single ancestor, real or fictive.
Bilateral descent
Related to each other by connections made through their mother and father equally.
Patrilineal descent
Group formed by people connected by father-child links.
Matrilineal descent
Group formed by people connected by mother-child links.
Nuclear family
Family pattern made up of 2 generations: Parents and their unmarried kids.
Extended family
Family pattern made up of 3 generations living together: Parents, married children, and grandchildren.
Family of orientation
Family in which one is born and grows up.
Family of procreation
Formed through marriage and children.
New home
Married couples living in the husband’s community.
Married couples living in the wife’s community.
A marriage pattern in which a person may be married to only one person at a time.
Having more than one spouse at a time (Is illegal in Canada).
Marriage within a defined social group.
Marriage outside a defined social group.
In Canada a person may not marry their parent, grandparent, child, grandchild or sibling (Siblings by half, whole, or adoption).
Transfer goods/labour from the groom’s family to the bride’s.
The wealth transferred from parents to their daughter or husband.
Biological and physical differences.
A person’s experience and expression of their identity as male, female, both, or neither.
Gender roles
Culturally appropriate roles of individuals in society of different sexes and/or gender identities.
Sexual orientation
Romantic or sexual attraction to another person.
Gender stereotypes
Oversimplified, strongly held ideas about the characteristics of males and females.
Gender stratification
Unequal distribution of rewards between men and women.
When a man has more than one wife.
The rare case in which a woman has more than one husband.
Levirate marriage
When the brother of a man who has died is required to marry his brother’s widow.
The quality of being descended from the same ancestor as another person.
Of a family relationship by marriage of a relative.
Samoan boys that are raised to identify as females.