Chapter 4- Cartilage & Bone Flashcards
contents of skeletal system
- bones
- ligaments
- cartilage
- other supportive connective tissues
functions of cartilage
- support soft tissues (respiration airways cartilaginous rings keep trachea open, auricle of ear)
- articulations (smooth surfaces between bones)
- precursor model for bone growth (fetal long bones)
- semi-rigid connective tissue
- not as strong as bone but more flexible/resilient
- mature cartilage is avascular (no blood supply)
cartilage cells
- chondroblasts: young cells, produce matrix
- chondrocytes: older cells, surrounded by matrix
- both live in small spaces called lacunae (little lakes)
types of cartilage
1) hyaline cartilage
2) elastic cartilage
3) fibrocartilage
all have similar ground substance but different types fo fibres in extracellular matrix
CT= cells= extracellular matrix
extracellular matrix= fibers+ ground substance
hyaline cartilage
- most common but weakest (glassy)
- lacks collagen
- in fetal skeleton, at ends of bones that articulate with each other, in trachea, larynx, and nose
elastic cartilage
- elastic fibres are main feature
- in epiglottis and external ear
- needs to be able to bend and snap back to original form
- densely interwoven collagen fibers contribute to durability
- in intervertebral discs, pubic symphysis, and menisci
- schock absorber, resists tension in one direction
- minerals deposited in the matrix that strengthens the bone
- main store and source of Ca++ and PO4—
- living organ that contains all 4 tissue types
- mostly connective tissue
- extracellular matrix is sturdy and rigid
functions of bones
- support: framework
- protection: hard casing around organs
- anchors for movement: muscles
- hematopoiesis: blood cell product, red marrow inside bone
- storage: calcium, phosphate, fats
classification of bones
-long bones: greater length than width
-short bones: nearly equal length and width
-flat bones: thing surfaces
irregular bones: complex shapes
long bones
- have compact and spongy bone
- most common
- femur, humerus, phalanges etc.
short bones
- have compact and spongy bone
- carpals, tarsals, patella
flat bones
- have compact and spongy bone
- provide muscle attachment sites
- protects underlying structures
- skull, ribs, sternum, scapula
irregular bones
- odd shapes, do not fit into any regular category
- vertebrae, hip bones, internal skull bones
long bone anatomy
- diaphysis
- epiphysis
- metaphysis
- articula cartilage
- medullary/marrow cavity
elongated, usually cylindrical shaft
- knobby, enlarged regions at ends
- strengthen joints
- attachment site for tendons/ligament
- between diaphysis and epiphysis
- contains epiphyseal (growth) plate
articular cartilage
- thin layer of hyaline cartilage on epiphysis
- reduces friction between articulating bones
medullary/marrow cavity
- cylindrical space in diaphysis
- contains yellow bone marrow (fat)
bone coverings
1) periosteum
2) endosteum