Chapter 4 Flashcards
What are the 3 common characteristics of all living things ?
Basic shape
internal content
DNA chromosomes
What are the two types of cells that make up prokaryotes?
Bacteria and archaea
chemical and physical life processes
cell walls, vacuoles, granules and inclusions are considered to be storage mechanisms, _____, and cell ____
Protection; support
surface coating is called
Flagella is made of what 3 parts
Filament, hook and basal body
flagellar response includes Chemical stimuli known as _____ or Light stimuli known as _____
chemotaxis; phototaxis
single flagellum at one end
flagella at both ends of cell
Which of the following best describes the action of the
prokaryotic flagellum?
A. It whips back and forth to move the cell
B. It extends and contracts to move the cell
C. It rotates to move the cell
D. It attaches to the environment and pulls the cell
E. It is capable of all of the above
E. It is capable of all of the above
Found only in gram-negative cells and
Function to join bacterial cells for partial DNA transfer called
Fine, proteinaceous, hairlike bristles emerging from the cell
surface and Functions in adhesion to other cells and surfaces
What are the 2 types of glycocalyx?
Slime layer and capsule
What are the functions of the glycocalyx?
-Protect cells from dehydration and nutrient loss
-Inhibit killing by white blood cells by phagocytosis,
contributing to pathogenicity
-Attachment - formation of biofilms
Gram positive cell walls are made of 6 chemical components. What are they?
Teichoic acid
Lipoteichoic acid
Mycolic acids and
What are the two basic layers of the cell envelope?
cell wall
cell membrane
Some cells have a ______ _____, between the cell
membrane and cell wall
periplasmic space
Gram negative cells are made of 4 components. What are they ?
Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)
Porin proteins
Differential stain that distinguishes between ____ ___cell wall and ____ ___cell wall
Gram positive; gram negative
Gram positive cells have ___ layers
Gram negative cells have ___ layers
Which of the following is NOT found in the Gram-Negative
cell wall structure?
A. Porins
B. Teichoic Acids
C. Periplasmic Space
D. Lipopolysaccharides
E. Peptidoglycan
B. Teichoic Acids
return to vegetative growth
a collection of bacterial cells which share an
overall similar pattern of traits in contrast to other bacteria
whose pattern differs significantly
Single, circular, double-stranded DNA molecule that
contains all the genetic information required by a cell
What is Site of protein synthesis and Found in all cells
formation of endospores
a culture derived from a single parent that
differs in structure or metabolism from other cultures of that
species (biovars, morphovars)
Strain or variety
Round bacterial cells growing in irregular clusters would be
best described as:
A. Streptococci
B. Streptobacilli
C. Staphylococci
D. Tetrads
C. Staphylococci
Organisms in the Domain Archaea have peptidoglycan in
their cell wall.
A. True
B. False
B. False
What is the name of the bacteria that causes Rocky Mountain spotted fever?
Rickettsia rickettisii