Chapter 4 Flashcards
The first responsibility of the operations level responder is to
Apply the APIE-T and analyze the incident
Be Cautious and alert to vapors from liquids as they may be (5)
Contact hazards
Inhalation Hazard
Solids my have the 4 following dangerous properties
Inhalation or contact hazard
Small combustible particles that if ignited may explode
Entrapment hazard in the form of loose solids confined to large containers
Flammable, Reactive, Radioactive, Corrosive, Toxic
Sublimation is
Transition directly rom a solid to a gas without goin into a liquid state in between
Dust is
Solid particle that is formed or generated from solid organic or inorganic materials by reducing as size through mechanical processes
Fume is
Suspension of particles that form when material from volatilized (vapor state solid condenses in cool air, in most cases the solid, smoke like particles resulting from the condesation react with the air to form an oxide
Mist is
Finely divided liquid suspended in the atmosphere
Aerosol is
Form of pressurized mist characterized by highly respirable
Fiber is
Solid particle whose length is several times greater than its diameter, formed by a disruption of the natural state. Usually not visibly identifiable in the air
Deposition is
Change directly form a vapor to solid without going into a liquid sate in between
Vapor pressure near 760mmHg means
the material will evaporate very rapidly
Boiling Point is
The temperature at which liquids change to gas at given pressure, Boiling poitn is usally expressed in degrees Fahrenheit at sea level pressure
BLEVE can occur
When liquid within a container is heated causing the material inside to boil or vaporize
BLEVE most commonly occurs when
Flames contact a tank shell above the liquid level or when insufficient water is applied to keep a tank shell cool.
Specific Gravity is
The ration of the density of material to the density of a standard material usually an equal volume of water.
heaver then 1 will sink while lighter then 1 will float
Molecular weight
is used to determine vapor density air has a molecular weight of 29g/mol
molecular weighing less then 29 will be lighter then air and weight greater then 29 will be heavier then air
Vapor density is
the weight of a given volume of pure vapor compared to the weight of an equal volume of dry air at the same temperature and pressure.
Less then one means lighter then air, Greater then one means heavier then air
Persistence of a chemical is
Its ability to remains in the environment when unconfined
Viscosity is
the measure of the thickness or flowability of a liquid at a given temperature
Solubility in water
expresses the percentage of a material by weight that will dissolve in a quantity of water ambient temperature
Miscibility is
Describes the ability of tow or more gases or liquids to mix with or to dissolve into each other
Corrosives are commonly divided into two broad categories
Acids and
Acids have a ph of
values of 0 to 6.9
Bases have ph of
Values of 7.1 to 14
Saponification is
The breakdown of Fatty tissues
Flash point is
The minimum temperature at which a liquid or volatile solid give off sufficient vapors to form an ignitable mixture with the air nears its surface. it will flash in the pressence of an ignition source but will not continue to burn
Fire point is
Is the temperature at which a liquid or volatile substance givens off enough vapors to support continuous burning. usually only a few degrees 10-30 degrees higher then its flash point
The term Inflammable means the
Same as flammable
Autoignition temperature /point
is the minimum temperature to which the fuel in the air must be heated to self sustained combustion without ignition from an independent ignition source
Products with low LEL or with wide range of LEL and UEL are
Especially dangerous
nonionizing radiation is
Least energetic form of radiation
ionizing radiation is
the most energetic form of radiation and the most hazardous
4 types of ionizing radiation is
Alpha radiation
positively charged alpha particles are emitted from the nucleus during radiactive decay and rapidly lose energy when passing through matter
Beta Radiation
Fast moving, positively charge positron or negatively charged electron that are emitted from the atom nucleus during radioactive decay
Gamma Radiation
are high energy photon like x rays
Neutron radiation is
are particles that have physical mass but have no electrical charge
RAM is
Radioactive materials emit ionizing radiation
Radioactive contamination can spread by ____ and spread _____
by convection currents and great distances
Class 7 radioactive materials packages will be
Marked with a UN identification number
One basic strategy to use for radioactive materials is
Time-decrease the amount of time spent in areas where there is radiation
Distance- Know your dose rate to know the safe distanced from the radioactive material
Shielding- Create a barrier between responders and the radiation source with a building earthen mound or vehicle
prevent access to sufficient volumes of oxygen
Irritants are
Cause temporary sometimes sever inflammation to the eyes skin or respiratory system
Convulsants are
Cause involuntary muscle contractions
Allergens and sesitizers are
an overreaction of the immune system in people or animals
Carbon monoxide CO
Is a chemical asphyxiant that is a byproduct of incomplete combustion of organic material
Carbon Dioxide CO2
is a product of complete combustion of organic material
Viruses are
The simplest types of microorganisms that can oonly replicate themselves in the living cells of their hosts and do not respond to antibiotics
Bacteria is
Are Microscopic single celled organism. may cause diesease in people either by invading the tissues or by producing toxins
Biological toxins are
Produced by living organism however the biological organism itself is usually not harmful to people
Diseases associated with bilogical hazards or threats are (3)
Diarrheal disease
3 Examples of potential biological weapons are
Botulism- Toxin from the bacteria clostridium botulinum
General emergency behavior model
GEMBO model assumes that hazardous materials incidents have the following common 3 elements
Material or materials presenting hazards to people the environment or property
Container or containers that have failed or have potential to fail
Exposure or potential exposure to people the environment or property
Dispersion/Engulfment is
This occurs as the hazardous material inside the container release and move away from the container
when evaluating the container stress consider the 4 following
Type of container
Produce in the container
Type and amount of stress
Potential duration of the stress
Disintegration breach is
Occurs in containers that are made of brittle material or that have been made more brittle by some form of stress
Runaway Cracking breach is
Breaks the container into two or more relatively large pieces or large tears
Attachments open or break breach is
May fail open or break off when subjected to stress leading to a tola failure of a container
Puncture Breach is
Occurs when foreign objects penetrate through a container such as forklifts
Split or tear breach is
Containers may also breach through a split such as a welded seam on a tank or when a drum fails
Detonation Release is
Instantaneous and explosive release of stored chemical energy of a hazardous material
Violent rupture release is
Immediate release of chemical or mechanical energy cause by a runaway crack
Rapid relief release is
Fast release of a pressurized hazardous material through properly operation safety devices
Spill/Leak release is
Slow release of hazardous material through holes rips tears or usual openings attachments
Hemispheric Dispersion
Semicircular or dome shaped patter of airborne hazardous material that is still partially in contact with the ground or water
3 Following elements are common to hemispheric releases
Energy- Generally travels outward in all directions from the point of release
Dispersion of energy- Affect4ed by terrain and cloud cover solid could cover can reflect the detonation shock wave increasing the explosion impact
Energy release- May propel the hazardous material that container parts however this dispersion may not be hemispherical large container parts generally travel in line with the long axis of the container
Cloud Dispersion
Ball shaped patter of the airborne hazardous material that collectively rises above the ground or water gases vapors and finely divided solids that release quickly
Plume Dispersion
Irregularly shaped patter of an airborne hazardous material where wind and or topography influence the down rage course from the point of release
-Puff Release when all the material is release at one time, the concentration of gas or vapor in the cloud decreases over time
- Ongoing release concentration increases over time until the leak stops or all of the product releases then it decreases
Cone dispersion
Triangular shaped pattern of a hazardous material release with a point source at the breach and wide base down range
Stream Dispersion
Surface following pattern of liquid hazardous material that is affected by gravity and topographical contours
Pool Dispersion
Three dimensional slow flowing liquid dispersion
Irregular Dispersion
Irregular or indiscriminate deposit of a hazardous material
Contacts impingements are associated with the following 4 general time frames
Immediate- milliseconds, seconds
Short term- Minutes hours
Medium Term- Days weeks months
Long Term- Years. generations
4 emergency response communication services listed for the U.S are