Chapter 4 Flashcards
What is circumcision?
excision of the foreskin of the penis to permanently expose the glans
What is couvade?
term used by anthropologists to describe a variety of rituals observed by men whose wives are pregnant in order to “mimic” pregnancy. Men perform the same acts and adhere to the same restrictions as their preg-nant wives and may even feign morning sick-ness or childbirth itself
What is cultural determinism?
cul-tures in which we are raised determine our character, personalities, emotional lives, and behaviours.
What is cultural relativism?
individual’s beliefs and behaviours should be understood in the context of his or her own culture rather than as the product of innate or universal tendencies and values
What are descent theorists?
those who study kinship; in particular, they examine the ways in which cultures think about and struc-ture consanguineal(blood)
What is female genital cutting (fgc)/female genital mutilation (fgm)?
Female “circumcision”, the removal of the hood of the clitoris
What is functionalism?
main-tains that the sex-based division of labour arose because it was necessary for the survival of early human societies. Men= hunters Women = stay home and care for kids
What is hypermasculinity?
exaggerated display of or adherence to behaviours, traits, and beliefs seen as masculine.
What is infibulation?
involves the removal of the clitoris and much of the tissue of the external genitalia, after which the vaginal opening is either stitched or held together with thorns until it heals into a closed structure with only a small opening to permit urination and menstruation.
What is matriarchy?
woman-centred form of social organization in which women, particularly mothers, are at the centre of prestige and power
What is matrilineality?
practice of reckoning kin-ship, naming, inheritance, and descent through the mother, rather than the father.
What is patrilineality?
practice of reckoning kin-ship, naming, inheritance, and descent through the father
What is polygamy?
mar-riage to more than one partner at the same time
What is polygyny?
man’s marriage to more than one woman at one time
What is purdah?
primarily Islamic practice of the social seclusion of women; a system of segre-gation aimed at keeping women (particularly married and marriageable ones) completely separated from the world of men
What is ritual segregation?
segregation of the sexes through rituals that provide a sense of identity and group membership
What is sex segregation?
concentration of men and women in gender-specific roles and locations within a society. It has been argued that sex segregation is associated with lower status for women. Within employment, the term refers to the concentration of men and women within different occupations, industries, jobs, and fields. This form of sex segregation may be either vertical or horizontal
Vertical; men at top of occupational hierarchy , women at bottom regardless of qualifications
Horizontal; both sexes are at the same occupational class but different job tasks
What is sworn virgin?
Albanian society, a daughter who swore perpetual chastity and took on the social role of a man in order to serve as her fam-ily’s head of household
What is Two-Spirited?
in use since the 1990s, to describe transgender or gender-variant people in North American Indigenous cultures. The term is sometimes applied to both historical people (e.g., “berdaches”) and to contemporary Indigenous people