Chapter 3 Flashcards
What is androgyny?
Sandra Bem, “the combined pres-ence of the socially valued, stereotypic, feminine, and masculine characteristics.”
What is castration anxiety?
Freud, a deep-seated fear of castration arising when boys see female geni-talia and conclude that girls and women have been castrated
How did Jean Piaget and Lawrence Kohlberg understand the cognitive development theory?
Jean Piaget, arguing that mental development takes place in a set of relatively orderly and discrete stages involving greater com-plexity at each level
Lawrence Kohlberg applied this to gender acquisition, arguing that children
“learn” gender cognitively, according to their level of reasoning at different stage
What is the cult of compulsive masculinity?
Talcott Par-sons’ theorized result of the long period of con-tact with femininity characteristic of boys in modern nuclear families. Because boys must rebel against femininity, being a “bad boy” becomes a way of establishing a masculine identity
this “cult” is associated with hypermasculine and/or violent behaviour
What is ego?
component of Freud’s concept of the psyche. It is the rational, problem-solving por-tion of our personality that translates id im-pulses into effective strategies for gratification
What is Electra complex?
describes a girl’s situation during the Oedipal crisis, when she, like the boy, discovers the anatomical distinction between the sexes and believes that she and her mother have been cas-trated. Experiencing “penis envy” as a result, she first transfers her desire to her father, competing with her mother
What is the ethic of care?
Carol Gilligan’s term for the mode of moral reasoning she found more prevalent in women than in men. This “different voice” makes moral judgments on the basis of the inter-dependence of human beings and the effects of actions on them
What is the ethic of justice?
Carol Gilligan’s term for the mode of reasoning she sees as more character-istic of men and of institutions in Western soci-ety; ethic of justice describes moral reasoning based on principle and abstract concepts of jus-tice
What are expressive roles?
Talcott Parsons, roles, existing to perpetuate the kinship system, that demand tenderness and nurturing
What is the external world?
fourth component of Freud’s notion of the psyche; the external world is experienced as frequently thwarting the id’s desire
What is gender constancy?
Lawrence Kohlberg’s con-cept to explain children’s realization, at approx-imately age six, that gender is permanent and fixed.
What are gender schemas?
assess traits, behaviours, personalities, and occupations as “for males” or “for females.”
What is gender schema theory?
developed by Sandra Bem, the idea that though children do de-velop ideas of gender through gender schemas, adults vary in the rigidity of their schemas. The healthiest individuals, Bem argued, were those with less polarized views of gender
What is the gender similarities hypothesis?
Janet Hyde, the hypothesis that men and women are “similar on most, but not all, psychological variables.”
What is id?
component of Freud’s concept of the psyche. It represents basic animal needs, and “knows” only that it wants gratification