Chapter 4 Flashcards
What is Socialization
Socialization involves being taught and figuring out how to be a social person in society
It is the meeting point for sociology and psychology
Primary Socialization
The earliest socialization we go through in childhood
Secondary Socialization
socialization that occurs later in life
Agents of Socialization
groups that have an influence on a persons socialization
Eg. Family, friends, school, etc.
The belief that personal characteristics are shaped by forces beyond the control of the individual
ex.influenced by the environment you grew up in, the type of people your parents have
These are all out of your control
Hard Determinism
claims that we are programmed to think and act either by our biology, or by the society we live in
Soft Determinism
claims that biology and society play a part in how we are programmed, but believe hat people also have free will
Agency involves personal choice above and beyond the call of nature/nurture
Biological Determinism
states that the greater part of what we are is determined by our 26,000 genes
What are the male and female chromosomes
male: XY
female: XX
What gene was considered the “Criminal” gene
the XYY gene
What was Sigmund Freud’s Theory
He believed that the human mind has three parts: the Id, the superego, and the geo
What is the Id
it is the driving force of personality (eg.I am hungry)
What is the Ego
the conscious aspect of the individual personality (eg.want to eat that burger on the counter)
What is the Superego
the moral sense of the brain(eg.I actually can’t eat that burger because it is not mine)
What did Erik Erikson recognize
He recognized the influence that society has on ego development ell into old age
What is the meaning of psychosexual stages
as the ego matures, it learns and develops strategies to satisfy the Id’s demands in socially acceptable ways
What is identify and identity confusion
it is a phase in life where you choose a career, select a mate, adopt a worldview, etc. (from age 12-20)
What is Behaviourism
Emphasizes that behaviour can be studied/explained scientifically and not in terms of mental states…..but how peoples actions are supposedly conditioned by earlier actions and reactions
What principle did Edward thorndike create
The Law of Effect
What is the Law of Effect?
Two Parts:
If you do something and it is rewarded, the likelihood of you doing it again increases
If you Dom something and it is punished or ignored, the likely hood of you doing it again decreases
What is Behaviour Modification
Shaping someones behaviours through rewards and punishment (the law of effect)
Who was John B. Watson
He was the founder of Behaviourist Psychology
He believed that any behaviour can be taught and learned
What did Dennis H. Wrong argue
He argued that behaviourists work with an overspecialized representation of human beings
What is the meaning of Oversocialized
a misleading conception that humans are passive recipients of socialization
we have the agency to resist messages that our socializing agents give us
What are Significant others
who young children imitate and model themselves after (parents, older siblings, etc.)
Generalized Other
Attitudes, viewpoints, and expectations of a society a Child is socialized into. Usually a group
Children adjust their own behaviour to conform to the social expectations of these groups
Who coined the term “significant other” and “generalized other”
George Herbert Mead
What did George Herbert Mead argue
He argued that the socialization of a child as a developmental sequence has three stages
- Preparatory stage
- Play stage
- Game stage
What is the Preparatory stage
The first stage of of the developmental sequence which involves pure imitation
What is the Play Stage
The second stage of developmental sequence where the child engages in role-taking and assumes the perspective of significant others
eg.parents, grandparents, siblings
What is the game stage
The third stage of developmental sequence where the child is able to consider several roles and viewpoints
eg. playing soccer for instance, the child will understand that the goalie has a different role from other players on the team, and that the opposing team will have different objectives
Who was Charles Cooley
he introduced the idea of the “looking-glass self”
What does the looking-glass self mean
A self image based on how people think they look like to others
Why is family significant
Family is the first and most powerful agent of socialization
What is a peer group
A social agent that share characteristics such as age interests and social position
What is National Character
the personality type of entire nations
The swaddling Hypothesis
a hypothesis that stated the “moodiness” of Russian citizens was due to their having been to tightly swatted or wrapped up as infants
What is Peer pressure
social force exerted on individuals by their peers
What are some risk behaviours
driving crazy, engaging in unsafe sex, drinking, doing drugs, shoplifting, etc.
What does Mass media have an effect. on
There have been debates on whether mass media has an effect on our behaviour. regarding the violence children see on television, movies, video games, etc.
What 2 theories did Rowell Huesmann propose to explain increased violence
Obervational learning theory and Desensitization theory
What is the Observational learning theory
the theory States that children acquire “aggressive scripts” for solving social problems through watching violence on television
What is the Desensitization theory
the theory states that increased exposure to television violence numbs the natural negative reaction to violence