Chapter 3: The psychology of exercise Flashcards
Area of science that focuses on people, and in particular, how the mind and feelings may influence beha
Intensity and direction of someone’s effort to participate in an activity or engage in a behavior
Socioeconomic status
Social standing of a person or group that includes education, income, and occupation
Not motivated to engage in an activity or behavior
Extrinsic motivation
Participation in an activity or behavior for some type of reward or recognition from others
Intrinsic motivation
Participation in an activity or behavior for satisfaction
Outcome goals
Goals focused on the end results
Process goals
Refers to the process of goal pursuit
Social support
Intentional ways that people assist others in achieving a specific behavior
Social physique anxiety
Specific form of anxiety that occurs in individuals who perceive that others could be negatively evaluating their physique
Mixed feelings about a situation
Instrumental support
Actions that directly facilitate a behavior to happen. E.g. driving a person to a health club or paying for the gym membership
Emotional support
Encouragement and positive reinforcement, including being caring, empathetic and showing concern
Ability to identify with another person’s feelings, attitudes or thoughts
Companionship support
When someone engages in a behavior with an individual. E.g. exercising with a friend