Chapter 3: The Federal System Flashcards
Abraham Lincoln
16th U.S. president
Andrew Johnson
17th U.S. president
Barrack Obama
44th U.S. president
Barron v. Baltimore (1833)
Decided that the Bill of Rights restricts federal powers but not states’ powers
Bill of attainder
Act of legislature that declares (a) person(s) guilty, sometimes without trial
Block grant
A large sum of money granted to a state by the federal government
Calvin Coolidge
An american politician and the 30th president of the U.S.
Categorical grants
Grants issued by the United States congress to improve the overall well-being of citizens.
Civil War
War between Northern and Southern U.S. states
Lays out powers, duties and structures of govt.
Concurrent powers
Powers shared between states and federal government
Confederate states of America
Southern states that seceded in the 19th century due to disputes over slavery
an organized alliance, sometimes official
Cooperative federalism
Where national, state, and local governments collaborate on how to better the country
A region of a state containing cities
A system of government for the people, by the whole population or it’s elite members
Dillon’s Rule
A municipal government has authority to act only when : (1) the power is granted in the express words of the statute, private act, or charter creating the municipal corporation; (2) the power is necessarily or fairly implied in, or incident to the powers expressly granted
Dred Scott v. Sanford (1857)
Court case that deemed “separate but equal’ laws and rules okay.
Dual federalism
Where power is divided between the federal and state governments
Enumerated powers
Powers granted to the government
Ex post facto law
Changes legal action of consequences of actions. to match current law.
Extradition clause
Returns a criminal back to the state where their crime was commited
Federal system
Combining general and regional government
Franklin D. Roosevelt
32nd US president
Full faith and credit clause
The United States have to respect the “public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state.”
Gibbons v. Ogden (1824)
Gave U.S. the power to regulate interstate commerce
Great Society
Program by L.B. Johnson that sponsored social welfare programs
Herbert Hoover
31st U.S. president
Implied powers
Powers not necessarily listed in the constitution, but still given to the federal government
Interstate Commerce
Exchange of goods between states
Iroquois Confederacy
A confederation of Native American Indians
John C. Calhoun
Vice president of Monroe who supported annexation of Texas
John Marshall
Chief justice who established Supreme Court’s role in federal government
Lyndon B. Johnson
36th U.S. president
McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)
Court case that gave the national government the power to establish a bank
A select group of dynastic individuals to run a government
A city or town that is given governmental duties by the federal government
Power of government lies with small group of people with family ties or wealth
Privileges and immunities clause
All states get equal treatment
Programmatic request
Federal funds designated for special projects
Progressive federalism
Gives states more control than normal federalism
The period of rebuilding the U.S. after the Civil War
Reserved powers
Powers not listed but still given to the Federal Government
Roger B. Taney
Chief Justice who made pro-slavery ruling in Dred Scott court case
Ronald Reagan
40th U.S. President
To formally withdraw from a group or organization
Seventeenth Amendment
Two senators for every state
Sixteenth Amendment
Congress has power to levy taxes
Special district
A local or regional government with responsibility for some single function
Tenth Amendment
Powers not given to federal government are given to states.
A tyrannical form on government that supports only one party’s interest
Unitary system
Where central government is supreme
New Deal
Programs and projects that were aimed to restore prosperity to Americans during the Great Depression.
New Federalism
Giving the majority of powers to the states
The act of cancelling something