Chapter 3: Subjective Well-Being Flashcards
Subjective well-being can be operationalized as…
Life satisfaction, happiness
What are the main four SWB Scales?
Subjective Happiness Scale
Psychological Well-being scale
Positive and Negative Affect Scale (PANAS)
Satisfaction with life scale
What assumptions do scales that measure happiness have to have?
Happiness can be translated to numbers
Two people with same scores have similar level of happiness
What are top-down theories of happiness?
Our tendencies towards positive interpretations to situations in our lives (traits, attitudes, self-perceptions).
What are bottom-up theories of SWB?
Quality of several areas in our life to discover overall satisfaction (marriage quality, friendships, job satisfaction, yearly income)
_ people think in positive ways.
Constructive thinkers show lower _ and higher _.
Neuroticism, wellbeing
Positive mood lets us interpret events in…
Positive ways
What is self-esteem? How does this work?
Our subjective, personal evaluation of our self-concept (do I like me?)
Optimism and self-achievement lead to lower negative emotions and increased happiness
What do people mix up for self-esteem?
Narcissism, self-compassion, self-efficacy
What is the main issue with self-esteem? What can this lead to?
Trigger negative behaviours,
Avoiding helpful feedback, bullying and aggression, won’t take risks, make less mistakes
Self-esteem seems to be contingent upon _. You need _ validation.
Self-compassion is an _ to self-esteem.
Self-compassion is recognizing and alleviating our own _.
What are the three parts of self-compassion? CH
Mindfulness:Being aware without judging
Self-kindness: an affectionate view of oneself
Common Humanity: My suffering is something anyone could go through
Self-compassion is correlated with decreased…
Self-compassion is correlated with increased
Self-criticism, depression, stress, anxiety and neurotic perfectionism
Social connectedness, happiness, optimism, positive affect, agreeableness, conscientiousness, life satisfaction
What is self-efficacy?
Belief that I can get what I want by using my own actions. Kinda like personal control except only in relation to specific outcomes
What is a sense of control?
The belief that I can get what I want and avoid what I do not
What is an internal locus of control? External?
I have control and can change outcomes
It is beyond my control
Control and _ seem to be tied.
If you have self-efficacy, you are more _, less _ and _ and more _ in all parts of life.
Persistent, anxious, depressed, successful
What are the two concepts we call optimism? Explain.
Dispositional optimism: I am just optimistic
Explanatory style about past events (did not sleep vs. i suck)
Optimism is associated with better _ performance, better _ performance, work _, relationship _, better _ skills, lowered vulnerability to _ and superior _ health.
What is optimism’s attributional style?
External, variable, specific attributions
What is pessimism’s attributional style?
Internal, stable, global
Learned _ and _ style theories came together to create learned _.
Helplessness, attributional style, optimism
Having a sense of _ for your life is correlated with higher SWB.
Sense of meaning is associated with greater _(Big 5)
openness to experience.
Self reflection causes…
Dreams, goals, creativity, growth
Happier people are _ satisfied with their decisions.
Happiness is related to having positive _about self, others and the world.
What are the three types of self?
Actual, ideal, ought
What are lateral social comparisons?
Comparing selves to peers
What are downward social comparisons?
Comparing ourselves in a way that says we are better
What are self serving cognitive biases?
cognitive distortions that enhance self-concept by making us believe we are better than we are.
What are the main three things people have a biased view of? (TBF)
Traits, behaviours and personal feedback
What is optimal margin theory?
There is a slight to moderate range which is healthy for positive illusions.
What are the illusions we have about control, optimism and meaning?
We think we have more control than we do
We have unrealistically optimistic views of the future
We find meaning in everything
Can self-deception ever be harmful?
Yes, too much or too little is bad for happiness and health
What are the main two self-serving biases?EV
Self-enhancement: I am a good person, better than most people
Self-verification: I am right, even more right than others
What is self-discrepancy theory?
Actual, ought, ideal selves
What is the discrepancy between actual and ideal mismatch?
What is the discrepancy between the actual and the ought mismatch?
What is self-expansion theory?
Inclusion of others in self (IOS). We have a basic motivation to grow and improve, and our self-concept expands through relationships with others.
What is the most important predictor of SWB?
Social relationships
Good social support is tied to… (3)
Positive self-esteem, optimism, perceived control
What are the two indicators of high-quality relationships?
Companionship and self-validation
What are the personality traits tied to positive well-being?
Extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness.
What Big 5 traits are tied to negative well-being?
The lower quarter of income reduces chance of being happy by _%.
The upper quarter of income increases the odds of happiness by _%.
What is the tipping point for income to make people happy?
~85376 USD
What is one main reason more money can make us happy?
Fosters relationships with family and friends.
What is the adaptation-level phenomenon?
Always come back to same level of happiness after big change
What is the hedonic treadmill?
Keep setting higher goals to become happy
What is the tyranny of freedom?
Decreased happiness with choices made due to less choices.
Discrimination has a …
Negative effect on subjective wellbeing.
_ support can moderate the effects of _
Social, discrimination
What are hedonic adaptations?
We adapt to positive stim and no longer feel effects of it.
What did we find about genetic effects, situational effects, and intentional effects of happiness?
50% genes, 10% situation, 40% our choices
Happy people do things to _ happiness.
_ is more important than _ of happiness.
Frequency, intensity
Fluctuations in emotions lead to more _ emotions.
What should you do to sustain positive mood?
Increase ratio of negative to positive, self-help
Feeling _ decreases depression, anxiety, self-criticism and stress the most.
What are the issues with being too happy?4 LGSD
What is emo-diversity?
Feeling a full range of emotions. It is healthy.
Accept our range
be Resilient