CHAPTER 3: Religion Under Edward Flashcards
What did the Privy council under Somerset do to the Church of England?
Decided to review the state of the Church of England and introduced some moderate Protestant reforms
Who reviewed the state of the Church of England and introduced some moderate Protestant reforms?
Privy council under Somerset
Who oppose the review of the state of the Church of England under Somerset’s privy Council?
Who led the Conservative faction who opposed the review of the Church of England under Somerset Privy Council?
What did Gardiner do under the Privy council of Somerset?
the Conservative faction who opposed the review of the Church of England under Somerset Privy Council?
What did the conservatives who were against the review of the church England main argument?
Henry the eighth’s stated that no religious changes should be made until Edward reached the age of 18
What did Henry the eighth’s will stating that no religious changes should be made until Edward reached the age of 18 mean?
Gave Conservatives an argument against review of the church of England under Somerset privy council
Who was sent to visit all bishops In Alton 1547?
Royal commissioners
What did Royal commission is due in Autumn 1547?
Visit all of the bishops culminating in report that was completed in Autumn 1547
When was the Royal commissioners finish the report on all bishops
Autumn 1547
What was each parish forced to obtain
Cranmer book of Homilies
Earsmus’ Paraphrases
What was Cranmers book of Homilies?
Book containing Protestant Sermons for use in daily worship
What was Book containing Protestant Sermons for use in daily worship?
Cranmer book of Homilies
What was Erasmus’ Paraphrases?
Book containing Protestant religious phrases meanings and explanations of daily worship
What was Book containing Protestant religious phrases meanings and explanations of daily worship?
Erasmus’ Paraphrases
What happened in July 1547?
An injunction was issued
What did the 1547 injunction order?
Ordered for clergy to conduct their services in English
preach every sermon on a Sunday create a library of Protestant literature including an English Bible
encourage the laity to read these books and
Remove all superstitious statues and images from the churches
What was the Catholics opinions on the July1547 injunction?
Catholics wanted them reversed
What were the Protestant views. On the July 15 47 injunction
Protestants for the change was not happening fast enough
In the 1547 injunction, what caused widespread debate on religion?
Heresy, censorship laws and Henrican treasons were not enforced
What was the impact of not enforcing the Heresy, censorship laws and Henrican treasons In the July 15 47 injunction?
Caused widespread debate on religion
What did radical Protestants do after the injunction
Propaganda pamphlet Attacking bishops and the wealth of the church
What were the faults with the radical Protestants who lead a campaign against the bishops and the wealth of the church
Could not agree amongst themselves as the changes they wanted
Who launched campaigns of propaganda pamphlets attack in the bishops and the wealth of the church?
Radical Protestants
Where were radical Protestants located who led the Iconoclatic riots
East Anglia
What happened in London, East Anglia, Lincolnshire?
Radical Protestants led the Iconoclastic riots
What happens during the Iconoclatic Riots?
Destroyed stained-glass windows, statues and images
In some cases gold and silver candlesticks and other church goods were sold and the money was given to the poor
Who organised and led a lot of the riots
Protestant refugees rather than English people selves
Who oppose the riots
Conservative bishops
What happened when Bishop Bonner protested
He was imprisoned for two months
Who was imprisoned for two months after protesting?
Bishop Bonner
What happened in November 1547?
Passed the Chantries Act
When was the Chantries act passed?
November 15 47
What did the chantries act mean?
Chantries was shut down due to this superstition. In reality they were shut down to raise money for war with France and Scotland rather than any religious motive
What was the true meaning of the chantries act
Raise money for always Scotland and France instead of religious motives
What did Parliament also pass on November 15 47
Treason Act
What did the treason act passed on the Somerset enable
Repealed Henrican heresy and censorship laws giving people freedom to discuss religious matters
What happened in January 15 48
Privy council issued proclamations that supported catholic transubstantiation whilst also speeding up the removal of catholic images from churches
When did Privy council issued proclamations that supported catholic transubstantiation whilst also speeding up the removal of catholic images from churches
January 15 48
What did the proclamation ordered by the privy council in January 15 40 say?
Privy council issued proclamations that supported catholic transubstantiation whilst also speeding up the removal of catholic images from churches
What was the impact of the proclamations ordered by the privy council in January 15 48
The aim was to try and calm things down but in reality this led to more confusion and anger from both of reformers and Conservatives
What happened in September 15 48
The privy council band or public preaching to try and end of debate on religion
When did the privy council ban public preaching?
September 15 48
What was the impact of the privy council banning all public preaching in September 15 48
And the debate on religion
When was the first act of uniformity
What happened in 1549
First act of uniformity
What did the first act of uniformity allow
Enforced Several Protestant practices
What were the Protestant regiments enforced in the first act of Uniformity?
Services were now in English
Protestant sacraments only
communion in both kinds
Ban on singing masses for the soul of the dead
What catholic traditions were kept in the first act of uniformity in 1549?
Fast days
Holy days
traditional robes and vestments for priest
Eucharist still defined in the Catholic terms of transubstantiation
What was in forced and contained both Lutheran and catholic beliefs
Cranmers book of common prayer
What was The impact of enforcing Cranmers book of common prayer
Western rebellion
What did the privy council believe that the impact of the first act of uniformity in 1549 would be
They believe that it will satisfy both reformers and conservatories but in reality anger and confusion
Where were their opposition
What was their opinion in Cornwall, Devon, Dorset and Yorkshire?
What was the opinion of most of the country excluding the parts that showed opposition?
Most of the country showed conformity
When was there a proclamation in Saying that all images should be destroyed
December 15 49
What happened in December 15 49
Proclamation saying that all images should be destroyed
What was the problem with the 3rd proclamation in December 1549 to destroy all images?
3 times showing that it had not been embraced
How many times were there proclamations to destroy all images under Somerset and what was the impact?
3 times and showed that Protestant reform had not been embraced by the peasants
What did Northumberland do during his rise to power
Allied himself with reformers and drove out the conservatives
Who allied themselves with reformers and drove out conservatives?
Who did Northumberland replace Bonner with?
Enthusiastic reformer Ridley
What did Northumberland do to Gardiner?
Placed into strict confinement in the Tower of London
Who did Northumberland placed in strict confinement in the Tower of London?
Whose position did Northumberland place instead of Bonner?
Who were active reformers appointed as during the rise of Northumberland?
Bishop of Rochester, Norwich, Exeter and Durham
What happened to the Bishop of Rochester, Durham, Norwich and Exeter?
Replaced with reformers
What happened to the conservatives after Northumberland’s rise to power?
Little ability to resist but pro catholic pamphlets circulated
Who initiated the move towards radical Protestantism?
Initiated by Ridley in London
Where did Ridley make the first move towards radical Protestantism?
What did Ridley do in London?
Initiated the first move towards radical Protestantism by ordering all altars to be removed and replaced with communion tables.
Was Ridleys order of removing altars in London followed?
Some areas followed whilst other didn’t depending on the attitude of the ruling elite and clergy
What did Ridley want the altar to be replaced with?
Communion table
What is ordination?
Ceremony priests go through to get their power
What is the Ceremony priests go through to get their power?
What happened after a priest Is ordained?
Can serve their parish
What happened to the new form of ordination?
Wording changed to mirror Protestant beliefs
What did the new form of Ordination remove?
References to sacrifice, purgatory and prayers for the soul of the dead
Who was not satisfied by the new form of ordination?
Extreme reformers as all 16 ceremonial vestments priest wore remained
What was the impact of keeping the 16 vestments that priests wore in the new form of ordination?
Caused the extreme reformers not to be satisfied
Who lead a campaign against Catholic vestments?
John Hooped
What did John Hoped do?
Led a campaign of preaching against catholic vestments
What happened in October 1550 to John Hooped?
Ordered to stop preaching against catholic vestments
When was John Hooped told you stop preaching?
October 1550
What happened to John Hooped in January 1551?
Imprisoned for failing to comply when they told him to stop preaching
When was Hooped arrested for preaching about catholic vestments?
January 1551
What happened to Hooped after he was arrested?
Compromise was reached
What position did Hooped become?
Bishop of Gloucester
What did Hooped do in the position of Bishop of Gloucester
Enacted extreme reform
What did Hopper find in Gloucester?
Found that out of 311 clergy
Only 10 could recite the Lord’s Prayer
171 did not know the 10 commandments
Who found out that Found that out of 311 clergy, Only 10 could recite the Lord’s Prayer, 171 did not know the 10 commandments?
John Hopped
What did John Hopped discover of Found that out of 311 clergy
Only 10 could recite the Lord’s Prayer
171 did not know the 10 commandments in Gloucester find out?
Local clergy was not embracing Protestantism
What did Northumberland plan to do in February 1551?
Further reform by attacking the remaining conservative bishops
When did Northumberland plan to attack the remaining conservative bishops?
February 1551
When did Northumberland do in February 1551?
Attacked conservative bishops
What happened to Gardiner on 1551?
Removed from his diocese in Winchester
Who was Removed from his diocese in Winchester?
What did Northumberland do in October 1551?
Appointed reformers into Worcester and Chichester
When did Northumberland appoint reformers into Worcester and Chichester?
October 1551
Why did Northumberland appoint reformers in Worcester and Chichester in October 15 51?
Allowed a reformist majority to support any changes
What was passed in January 1552 Parliament?
A new treason act making it an offence to question royal supremacy or any of the articles of faith in the English church
When was a new treason act passed, making it an offence to question Royal Supremecy or any articles of faith in English church?
January 15 52 in parliament
What happened to the Holy days in the Parliament of January 15 52?
Limited to the number of Holy days to 25
When were the Holy days limited to 25
Parliament of January 15 52
What was limited to 25 in the. January 1552 Parliament?
Holy days
When was the second act of uniformity?
March 15 52
What happened in March 15 52?
Second act of uniformity
What became an offence in the second act of uniformity of March 15 52
It became an offence to not attend the Church of England services and offenders would be fined and imprisoned
When did it become an offence to not attend the Church of England services
March 15 52 in the second act of uniformity
In the second act of uniformity, what happened to people who didn’t attend the Church of England services?
They would be fined and imprisoned
In the second act of uniformity in March 15 52, what book became the official basis of the church service?
Cranmers new book of common prayer
In the The conduct of uniformity in March 15 52, what happened to Cranmers new book of common prayer
Became the official basis of the Church services
When did Cranmer new book of common prayer becomes official basis of the church service?
March 15 52
What was removed in the second act of uniformity in March 15 52?
All traces of Catholicism and the mass had been removed and the Eucharist is clearly defined in terms of consubstantiation
In second act of uniformity of March 1552, what happened to mass and Catholicism?
In the 1552 second act of uniformity what happened to the Eucharist?
Defined as consubstantiation which was a opposing transubstantiation
Who disapproved of the second act of uniformity in March 15 52
John Knox
How did Hooper and John Knox feel about the second act of uniformity in March 1552?
Why did extreme reformists disapprove of the second act of uniformity?
People receiving Eucharist still had to kneel and this was considered idolatrous
What was the issue with People receiving Eucharist still had to kneel?
this was considered idolatrous
What did Northumberland launch in 1552
Survey on the wall for bishops and clergy with parishes worth more than £350
What did Northumberland report in 1552 On the wealth of bishops in clergy with parishes worth more than £350 find
The land had a total value of £1,087,000
What did Northumberland report in 1552 lead to?
That some of the wealth of the bishops in the clergy with parishes should be transferred to the crown. Though this was not completed before Edward has death and it was unclear whether there was any religious motivation or whether it was simply about money
What does commissioners begin to do to the churches
Remove all gold and silver plates
When commissioners began to remove all gold and silver plate from churches how far developed was this?
This process was in its infancy when the king died
What did act 42 articles finalise
Confirmed Protestantism throughout every facet of church doctrine
What is confirmed Protestantism fruit every facet of church doctrine
Act of 42 articles
Why was the act of 42 articles not implemented?
Edward died before It could become a law
When Mary came to the throne how was the church?
Completely Protestant
When Mary came to the church, What happened to the doctrines of the church?
Revolutionised They are the administrator structure remains unchanged
When Mary came to the throne, how was the administrative structure of the church
Remained unchanged
What was the response of the Landed elites to Edwards Protestant changes
Embraced these changes
Who embrace the changes that Edward made to the church
Landed elites
Whose response to Edwards religious changes were ambiguous
Common people
What was the response of the common people to Edwards religious changes
What did churchwarden accounts show
Physical changes towards Protestantism had been largely made
What should the physical changes towards Protestantism was largely made?
Churchwarden accounts
What percentage of Kentish wills were Protestant
8% in 1549
In what area was 8% of Wills Protestant
Kent in 1549
What percentage of Suffolk wheels were Protestant in 1549
In what area were 27% of Wills Protestant
How many wills in York were Protestant?
In what area were 2% of wills Protestant?
How many wills in the south-west were Protestant
In what area will 1% of Wills Protestant
What was the reason as to why Mary was able to restore Catholicism without too much difficulty
Protestant reform didn’t influence a lot of people
Why can the wills not be used as evidence for everyone being catholic
The will would be written by one person and this would often be the view of one person who would write wills for the whole area rather than the deceased themselves