CHAPTER 2: Authority Under Mary Flashcards
When did Edward die?
The 6th of July 1553
What happened on the 6th of July 1553?
Edward died
How long did Northumberland keep Edwards death a secret?
Two days
Why was Edward Death kept secret for two days
He bullied councillors and the mayor of London into agreeing to the Devise for the Succession
What happened on the 10th of July 1553
Lady Jane Grey was crowned Queen against her wishes
Who did Lady Jane Grey supposedly have the support of?
The privy council but Northumberland plot was not widely supported
When was Lady Jane Grey crowned Queen
10th of July 15 53
How long did Lady Jane Grey remain as Queen?
Nine days
What lasted nine days
Lady Jane Grey’s reign
Where was Mary when she Proclaimed herself as Queen?
Framingham Castle On her estates in Suffolk
Who did Mary send a letter to aid her become queen?
The privy council
Charles V
Holy Roman Emperor
How many troops did Northumberland have to confront Mary?
Who had 2,000 troops to confront Mary?
What happened while Northumberland went to confront Mary?
Many deserted him en route despite him raising their pay
What did Northumberland do to try and keep Loyalty of his troops
Raising their pay
Did raising their pay keep Northumberland’s troops loyal?
Why did Northumberland retreat to Cambridge?
His troops had deserted him
Where did Northumberland retreat to
What did Northumberland do while he was retreated in Cambridge?
Proclaimed Mary Queen
What did the Privy Council do to Northumberland after he left confront Mary
Deserted him and endorsed to Mary’s claim to the throne
Who endorsed Mary’s claim and deserted Northumberland?
The privy council
When was Mary acknowledged as Queen?
20th of July 15 53
What happened on the 20th of July 1553
Mary was acknowledged as Queen
What happened when Mary entered London?
Enter to mass enthusiasms on the 3rd of August
What happened on the 3rd of August 1553?
Mary entered London to mass enthusiasm
What happened on the 17th of July 1553
Northumberland was arrested
What happened on the 22nd of August 1553?
Northumberland was executed
When was Northumberland arrested
17th of July 15 53
When was Northumberland Executed?
22nd of August 15 53
What did Northumberland try to do to save him self?
Renunciation of Protestantism
Who was spared initially but executed later?
Lady Jane Grey and her husband
What happened to Lady Jane Grey and her husband?
Spared initially but executed later
Who did Mary allowing the council?
What happened to Paget?
Allowed onto the new council
What did allowing Paget onto the new council show?
Mary was lenient and shared wisdom by allowing those involved in the plot to join the council
Who, involved in the plot was allowed to join the council
Who,involved in the plot,was arrested and imprisoned
William Cecil
What happened to William Cecil
Who did Mary released from jail?
Norfolk and Gardiner
What happened to Norfolk and Gardiner after Mary became Queen
Released from prison
Why did Mary release Gardiner and Norfolk?
Surrounding herself with Conservative supporters
What is Anarchy?
What was the English people’s opinion on Mary at the beginning of her reign?
Respectful and not want to return of lawlessness in the War of Rose
What did many of Mary’s subjects fear?
Her gender would lead to her being dominated by fraction
What happened in the previous reign of the female ruler?
Matilda’s Road end of the Civil War from 1139 to 47
Who used to Mary’s gender to undermine the government
John Knox
What did John Knox do?
Used Mary’s gender to undermine her rule
Who led the Conservative faction
Stephen Gardiner
What did Stephen Gardiner lead?
The Conservative faction
Who led the moderates?
William Paget
What did William Paget lead?
The moderates
What did the Conservatives and the moderates clash over
Specific Issues Such as the revival of the heresy laws
Who handled affairs of state?
Handled by in a council consisting of the most experienced counsellors who had reformed the privy council under Northumberland
What did that inner council do?
Handle. Affairs of state
Who was inside of the inner council
Consisting of those experienced counsellors who had reformed the privy council Under Northumberland
When did Phillips departure occur
What happened in 1555
Phillips departure
Why did Philip depart England
When it became clear that Mary was not going to have an heir
What did the death of Gardiner mean?
Paget was able to run a more stable government
What did Philip’s departure and Gardiners death mean for Paget
Paget Was able to run a more stable government
Why was Paget able to run a more stable government?
Death of Gardiner
Philips departure in 1555
Who was there a power struggle between?
English advisors and Simon Renard
Who was Simon Renard?
Imperial ambassador who was Mary’s closest advisor
Who was the Imperial Ambassador and Mary’s closest advisor?
Simon Renard
Why did Mary not have trust for her English counsellors?
The treatment of her mother
humiliation under Edward
What did the treatment of her mother and the humiliation under Edward mean to Mary?
This meant that she doesn’t trust the English advisors
Why were actions against Mary not severe?
Fear of that Hasburgs and she favoured a close relationship with Charles V
What did Mary’s close relationship with Habsburgs mean?
The actions against her during Edwards reign were not severe
What was one of the main criticisms of Mary’s council?
It was too large to conduct business effectively and had a members with no real political ability and administrative skills
What happened in the First few weeks of her reign?
Mary chose councillors from here Own household and from among leading catholic nobles who had supported her
What was the average size of the privy council gatherings under Mary?
Similar to the size of the Northumberland
What did the establishment of committees in 1554 address?
Excluded casual members and help to reduce the size of the privy council
When were the establishment of councils done?
What excluded casual counsellors?
Establishment of committees 1554
What happened by 1553
Several moderate members of Northumberland Council have been sworn in as councillors
Who had been swanning to the council by 1553
Moderate members of Northumberland Council
Did the moderate members of Northumberland Council who are now in Mary’s council have her trust
No they never had the Queens confidence
Impact of the moderate members of Northumberland Council who had been sworn into Mary’s council?
Nucleus of political ability and administrative experience which was previously lacking
Who provided Nucleus of political ability and administrative experience which was previously lacking
The mother remembers of Northumberland Council who are now in Mary’s council
What was the main problem with Mary?
Didn’t exert any leadership or show any real confidence in her council
She would often not discuss with the privy council and decide on matters in consultation with Renard
What is Mary doing instead of discussing with her privy council?
Decided on matters of policy in consultation with Simon Renard
What was the main fear about Mary being a woman
In a patriarchal society it was worried that she will be subservient to a husband
What was Gardiner opinion on the royal marriage?
Favourite a marriage to Edward Courtenay
Who favoured a marriage to Edward Courtenay, Earl of Devon?
What husband did Paget prefer?
Philip of Spain
Who prefer the marriage to Philip of Spain?
Why did Mary marry Philip of Spain
Close relationship with Habsburgs through Philip
What happened during a petition from the House of Commons
Mary disregarded all opposition to her plans
When did Mary disregard the opposition to her plans
Petition from the House of Commons
What happened in December 15 53
Marriage treaty was drafted by Mary, Renard, Gardiner and Paget
When was a Marriage treaty was drafted by Mary, Renard, Gardiner and Paget?
December 15 53
Who drafted the marriage treaty in December 15 53
Marriage treaty was drafted by Mary, Renard, Gardiner and Paget
When was the treaty presented To the council and ratified
January 15 54
What happen in January 15 54
The marriage treaty was presented to the council and ratified
What did the marriage treaty say
Philip was to have no Regal power in England
If Mary were to die, neither he nor his heirs would have any claim to the English throne
he was also forbidden from promoting foreigners to hold office in England
How did the role advisors dramatise Mary’s prominence
Mary’s throne was higher than Phillips
Why was Mary’s throne higher than Philips?
Dramatise her Prominence
Why did Mary eat form a Gold plate while Philip ate from a silver plate?
Emphasise that Mary was the Monarch
When did Charles V abdicate?
How long did the Habsburg- Valois conflict dominate Europe?
30 years
What did Charles abdication mean for the Habsburg Empire
Empire was split between his brother Ferdinand and his son Philip
What’s split the Empire between Ferdinand and Philip?
Charles’s abdication in 1555
What dominated Europe for 30 years
Hapsburg Valois Conflict
What was made in February 15 56
A truce was brokered to end the Habsburg Valois conflict
What ended the Hasburgs and Valois conflict?
February 1556
What did Philip do in September 1556?
Philip attacks the anti-Spanish Pope, Pope Paul IV
When did Philip attack the ant Spanish Pope Paul IV
September 15 56
Which anti-Spanish Pope did Philip attack in September 15 56
Paul IV
Why did Philip attack Pope Paul IV
He was anti Spanish and was a French ally
What was the response of Philip attack of Pope Paul IV in September 15 56?
Henry the second of France responded
What did Henry II response to Philip mean for England?
The English are now under pressure to join the war against France
What did Philip demand for Mary
That she support him in the war against France
When did Philip return to England to make a case for funds, troops and naval support
March 15 57
What happened in 1557
Philip return to England to make his case for funds, troops and naval support
How large was the troops that Mary sent to support her husband Phillips?
When did Mary send 6000 trips to the Netherlands in support of Philip?
January 15 57
What happen in January 15 57
Mary since 6000 troops to the Netherlands in support of Philip
Why did Mary sent 6000 troops to the Netherlands in January 15 57
The Netherlands is a trade sensitive region for England
What was Philip unable to do when he arrived in England in 1557
He failed to convince Mary to join the war against the Valois conflict
What prompted Mary into war?
The actions of Henry II
What did Henry II do
tolerating English Protestant and rumours circulated that Henry plan to recapture Calais
Who was tolerating English Protestant and rumours circulated that Henry plan to recapture Calais?
Henry II of Calais
Why was Calais important to England?
Last overseas territory
What happened by 1558
French faced a certain defeat in the Hapsburg-Valois war
When did the French experience a certain defeat in the Hapsburg-Valois war
What side was England on during the Habsburg-Valois conflict?
What did the French want?
How did the French get Compensation
Targeted Calais
What is the English garrisons at Calais not receive?
didn’t receive winter I reinforcement and stood at 2000 men
Who didn’t receive winter reinforcements and stood at 2000 men?
English garrisons at Calais
How many men did the French have?
Who had 27,000 men?
The French
What did the French having more men allow?
Able to easily capture the fortress of Calais
How long had Calais been in the hands of the English?
What has the English owned since 1347
What was the impact of holding Calais?
Gained status as they had gilded French land
What was the impact of loosing Calais?
Humiliating defeat for the English who claimed they were the kings of France.
English morale had clearly been shaken
Protestant propaganda were quick to make the equation of the Spanish marriage and the pro-Catholic policy to the loss of Calais
Why was it a good thing to lose Calais?
Expensive to maintain and it was a burdensome frontier that needed defending