Chapter 3- Musculoskeletal system Flashcards
term- orthopedics / orthopedist
meaning- deals with the majority of musculoskeletal disorders.
term- rheumatology/rheumatologist.
meaning- specialty that deals with disorders of connective tissue, including bone and cartilage.
term- Physiatry/physiatrist.
meaning- physical medicine, concerns diagnosis and treatment of disease or injury with the use of physical agents, such as exercise, heat, massage, and light.
term- osteodynia
meaning- bone pain
term- osteitis deformans
meaning- Misshaped bone resulting from excessive breakdown and formation of bone tissue.
term- osteomalacia
meaning- Softening of bone caused by loss of minerals from the bony matrix as a result of vitamin D deficiency. When osteomalacia occurs in childhood, it is called rickets.
term- osteomyelitis
meaning- Inflammation and/ or infection of the bone and bone marrow.
term- osteoporosis
meaning- Loss of bone mass, which results in the bones being fragile and at risk for fractures. Osteopenia refers to a less severe bone mass loss (-penia = deficiency).
term- chondromalacia
meaning- Softening of the cartilage.
term- costochondritis
meaning- Inflammation of the cartilage of the ribs.
term- arthrosis
meaning- Abnormal condition of a joint; may be hemarthrosis, hydrarthrosis, or pyarthrosis (blood, fluid, or pus, respectively, in a joint cavity).
term- baker cyst
meaning- Cyst of synovial fluid in the popliteal area of leg; often associated with rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
term- bunion
meaning- Fairly common, painful enlargement and inflammation of the first metatarsophalangeal joint (the base of the great toe).
term- bursitis
meaning- Inflammation of a bursa.
term- carpal tunnel syndrome
meaning- Compression injury that manifests itself as fluctuating pain, numbness, and paresthesias of the hand caused by compression of the median nerve at the wrist
term- crepitus
meaning- Crackling sound heard in joints.
term- osteoarthritis (OA)
meaning- Joint disease characterized by degenerative articular cartilage and a wearing down of the bones’ edges at a joint; considered a “wear and tear” disorder. Also called degenerative joint disease (DJD)
term- osteophytosis
meaning- Abnormal bone growth in a joint. Heberden nodes are osteophytes of the interphalangeal joints in RA
meaning-Condition in which there is pain in several joints simultaneously.
term- rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
meaning- Inflammatory joint disease believed to be autoimmune in nature; occurs in a much younger population (ages 20 to 45) than OA
term- scleroderma
meaning- Connective tissue disorder that causes hardening and thickening of the skin.
term- systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
meaning- Chronic, systemic inflammation of unknown etiology (cause). Characterized by arthritis and a distinctive red, butterfly-like rash on nose and cheeks. Also called disseminated lupus erythematosus (DLE).
term- temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ)
meaning- Dysfunctional temporomandibular joint, accompanied by gnathalgia, or jaw pain.
term- tendinitis
meaning- Inflammation of a tendon.
term- ankylosing spondylitis
Shiland, Betsy J.. Mastering Healthcare Terminology - E-Book (p. 95). Elsevier Health Sciences. Kindle Edition.
meaning- Chronic inflammatory disease of idiopathic origin, which causes a fusion of the spine.
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term- herniated intervertebral disk
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meaning- Protrusion of the central part of the disk that lies between the vertebrae, resulting in compression of the nerve root and pain.
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meaning-Extreme posterior curvature of the thoracic area of the spine (Fig.
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term- lordosis
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meaning- Swayback; exaggerated anterior curve of the lumbar vertebrae (lower back)
term- scoliosis
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meaning- Lateral S curve of the spine that can cause an individual to lose inches in height
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term- spinal stenosis
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meaning- Abnormal condition of narrowing of the spinal canal with attendant pain, sometimes caused by OA or spondylolisthesis
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Shiland, Betsy J.. Mastering Healthcare Terminology - E-Book (p. 95). Elsevier Health Sciences. Kindle Edition.
meaning-Condition resulting from the partial forward dislocation of one vertebra over the one beneath it.
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term- spondylosis
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meaning- An abnormal condition characterized by stiffening of the vertebral joints.
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term- chondroma
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meaning- Benign tumor of the cartilage, usually occurring in children and adolescents.
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Shiland, Betsy J.. Mastering Healthcare Terminology - E-Book (p. 101). Elsevier Health Sciences. Kindle Edition.
meaning-Abnormal condition of bony growth. Also called hyperostosis and osteochondroma.
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meaning-Benign tumor of smooth muscle. The most common leiomyoma is in the uterus and is termed a fibroid.
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term- osteoma
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meaning- Benign bone tumor, usually of compact bone.
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term- rhabdomyoma
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meaning- Benign tumor of striated/ voluntary/ skeletal muscle.
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term- chondrosarcoma
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meaning- Malignant tumor of the cartilage. Occurs most frequently in adults
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Shiland, Betsy J.. Mastering Healthcare Terminology - E-Book (p. 101). Elsevier Health Sciences. Kindle Edition.
meaning-Malignant tumor of smooth muscle. Most commonly appearing in the uterus.
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Shiland, Betsy J.. Mastering Healthcare Terminology - E-Book (p. 101). Elsevier Health Sciences. Kindle Edition.
meaning-Malignant tumor of bone. Also called Ewing sarcoma. Most common children’s bone cancer.
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term- rhabdomyosarcoma
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meaning- Highly malignant tumor of skeletal muscle. Also called rhabdosarcoma or rhabdomyoblastoma.
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term- amputation
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meaning- Removal of a limb when there are no feasible options to save it.
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term- arthrocentesis
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meaning- Surgical puncture of a joint to remove fluid.
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term- arthrodesis
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meaning- Binding or stabilization of a joint by operative means.
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Shiland, Betsy J.. Mastering Healthcare Terminology - E-Book (p. 108). Elsevier Health Sciences. Kindle Edition.
meaning-General term meaning surgical repair of a joint.
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term- bunionectomy
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meaning- Removal of a bunion
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Shiland, Betsy J.. Mastering Healthcare Terminology - E-Book (p. 108). Elsevier Health Sciences. Kindle Edition.
meaning-Minimally invasive procedure designed to address the pain of fractured vertebrae resulting from osteoporosis or cancer (Fig. 3-27). A balloon is used to inflate the area of fracture before a cement-like substance is injected. The substance hardens rapidly, and pain relief is immediate in most patients.
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term- laminectomy
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meaning- Removal of the bony arches of one or more vertebrae to relieve compression of the spinal cord
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term- meniscectomy
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meaning- Removal of a meniscus, such as in the knee.
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meaning-Suture of a muscle.
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term- operative ankylosis
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meaning- Procedure used in the treatment of spinal fractures or after diskectomy or laminectomy for the correction of a herniated vertebral disk; also used to describe surgical fixation of a joint. Also called arthrodesis.
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Shiland, Betsy J.. Mastering Healthcare Terminology - E-Book (p. 109). Elsevier Health Sciences. Kindle Edition.
term- osteoclasis
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meaning- Refracture of a bone; usually done if a bone has a malunion.
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Shiland, Betsy J.. Mastering Healthcare Terminology - E-Book (p. 109). Elsevier Health Sciences. Kindle Edition.
meaning-Surgical repair of a bone.
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term- prosthesis
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meaning- An artificial body part that is constructed to replace missing limbs, eyes, and other body parts.
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term- spondylosyndesis
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meaning- Fixation of an unstable segment of the spine by skeletal traction, immobilization of the patient in a body cast, or stabilization with a bone graft or synthetic device. Also called spinal fusion and spondylodesis.
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term- syndesmoplasty
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meaning- Surgical repair of a ligament.
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term- tenomyoplasty
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meaning- Surgical repair of a muscle and a tendon.
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term-total hip replacement (THR)
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meaning-Replacement of the femoral head and the acetabulum of the hip with either plastic or metal appliances
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term- total knee replacement (TKR)
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meaning- Extensive surgical procedure that involves the replacement of the entire knee joint, either unilaterally or bilaterally
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term- traction
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meaning- The process of pulling a body part into correct alignment, as to correct a dislocation.
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