Abbreviations Flashcards
term- ABG
word- arterial blood gas
meaning- Blood test that measures the amount of O2 and CO2 in the blood.
Shiland, Betsy J.. Mastering Healthcare Terminology - E-Book (p. 429). Elsevier Health Sciences. Kindle Edition.
term- ACTH
word- Adrenocorticotropic hormone
meaning- Stimulates the adrenal cortex to release steroids
Shiland, Betsy J.. Mastering Healthcare Terminology - E-Book (p. 538). Elsevier Health Sciences. Kindle Edition.
term- ADHD
word- attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder
meaning- Series of syndromes that includes impulsiveness, inability to concentrate, and short attention span.
term- ASD
word- Atrial septal defect
meaning- congenital abnormality of the walls between is a hole in the wall between the upper chambers aka atriums of the heart.
Shiland, Betsy J.. Mastering Healthcare Terminology - E-Book (p. 376). Elsevier Health Sciences. Kindle Edition.
term- BPH
word- benign prostatic hyperplasia
meaning- benign neoplasm on the prostate
term- CAD
word- coronary artery disease
meaning- Accumulation and hardening of plaque in the coronary arteries that eventually can deprive the heart muscle of oxygen, leading to angina (heart pain)
term- CABG
word- Coronary artery bypass graft
meaning- Open-heart surgery in which a piece of a blood vessel from another location is grafted onto one of the coronary arteries to reroute blood around a blockage
term- CBC
word- complete blood cell count
meaning- Twelve tests, including RBC count, WBC count, hemoglobin (Hgb), hematocrit/ packed-cell volume (Hct/ PCV), and diff (WBC differential).
term- CKD
word- chronic kidney disease
meaning- CKD is measured in stages of increasing severity, from 1 (mild damage with a normal glomerular filtration rate [GFR]) to 5 (complete kidney failure requiring either dialysis or a renal transplant). Stage 5 is also called end-stage renal disease (ESRD).
word- congestive heart failure
meaning-Inability of the heart muscle to pump blood efficiently so that it becomes overloaded. The heart enlarges with unpumped blood, and the lungs fill with fluid. Previously referred to as congestive heart failure (CHF).
term- COPD
word- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
meaning- Respiratory disorder characterized by a progressive and irreversible diminishment in inspiratory and expiratory capacity of the lungs. Patient experiences dyspnea on exertion (DOE), difficulty inhaling or exhaling, and a chronic cough.
Shiland, Betsy J.. Mastering Healthcare Terminology - E-Book (p. 421). Elsevier Health Sciences. Kindle Edition.
Shiland, Betsy J.. Mastering Healthcare Terminology - E-Book (p. 421). Elsevier Health Sciences. Kindle Edition.
term- CVA
word- cerebrovascular accident
meaning- Ischemia of cerebral tissue due to an occlusion (blockage) from a thrombus (pl. thrombi) or embolus (pl. emboli), or as a result of a cerebral hemorrhage. Results of a stroke depend on the duration and location of the ischemia. These sequelae may include paralysis, weakness, speech defects, sensory changes that last longer than 24 hours, or death. Also called stroke, brain attack, and cerebral infarction (infarction means tissue death)
term- CXR
word- chest x-ray
meaning- One of the most common imaging techniques for the respiratory system; used to visualize abnormalities of the respiratory system (Fig. 11-16). X-rays may also include the use of a contrast medium, as in pulmonary angiography, which uses a dye injected into the blood vessels of the lung, followed by subsequent x-ray imaging to demonstrate the flow of blood through these vessels.
term- CSF
word- cerebrospinal fluid
meaning- CSF is also present in cavities in the brain called ventricles.
Examination of fluid from the CNS to detect pathogens and abnormalities. Useful in diagnosing hemorrhages, tumors, and various diseases.
term- DRE
word- digital rectal exam
meaning- Insertion of a gloved finger into the rectum to palpate the prostate
word- deep tendon reflex
meaning- Assessment of an automatic motor response by striking a tendon. Useful in the diagnosis of stroke.
term- DVT
word- deep vein thrombosis
meaning- a clot in a deep vein
term- DM
word- diabetes mellitus
meaning- A group of metabolic disorders characterized by high glucose levels that result from inadequate amounts of insulin, resistance to insulin, or a combination of both
term- ECT
word- electroconvulsive therapy
meaning- Method of inducing convulsions to treat affective disorders in patients who have been resistant or unresponsive to drug therapy.
term- GERD
word- gastroesophageal reflux disease
meaning- Flowing back, or return, of the contents of the stomach to the esophagus caused by an inability of the LES to contract normally; characterized by pyrosis with or without regurgitation of stomach contents to the mouth (Fig. 5-12). Barrett esophagus is a condition caused by chronic reflux from the stomach. It is associated with an increased risk of cancer.
Shiland, Betsy J.. Mastering Healthcare Terminology - E-Book (p. 181). Elsevier Health Sciences. Kindle Edition.
Shiland, Betsy J.. Mastering Healthcare Terminology - E-Book (p. 181). Elsevier Health Sciences. Kindle Edition.
term- ESR
word- erythrocyte sedimentation rate
meaning- Measurement of time for mature RBCs to settle out of a blood sample after an anticoagulant is added. An increased ESR indicates inflammation.
term- KUB
word- kidney, ureter, and bladder
meaning- Radiographic imaging of the kidney, ureters, and bladder without a contrast medium.
term- HGB
word- hemoglobin
meaning- Measure of iron-containing pigment of RBCs that carries oxygen to tissues.
term- IVP
word- intravenous pyelography
meaning- Radiographic imaging of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder done with a contrast medium
term- MI
word- myocardial infarction
meaning- Cardiac tissue death that occurs when the coronary arteries are occluded (blocked) by an atheroma (ath uh ROH mah), a mass of fat or lipids on the wall of an artery, or a blood clot caused by an atheroma; and thus are unable to carry enough oxygenated blood to the heart muscle. Depending on the area affected, the patient may die if enough of the heart muscle is destroyed (Fig. 10-15). Also called a heart attack. When a person is in the process of having a heart attack, it is called an acute myocardial infarction (AMI).
term- MVP
word- mitral valve prolapse
meaning- Protrusion of one or both cusps of the MV back into the LA during ventricular systole
term- PFT
word- pulmonary function tests
meaning- Procedures for determining the capacity of the lungs to exchange O2 and CO2 efficiently. See the table on the following page for examples of PFTs.
term- PTH
word- parathyroid hormone
meaning- The parathyroids (pair uh THIGH royds) are four small glands located on the posterior surface of the thyroid gland in the neck. They secrete parathyroid hormone (PTH) in response to a low level of calcium in the blood. When low calcium is detected, the PTH increases calcium by causing it to be released from the bone, which results in calcium reabsorption by the kidneys and the digestive system. PTH is inhibited by high levels of calcium.
term- PUD
word- peptic ulcer disease
meaning- An erosion of the protective mucosal lining of the stomach or duodenum (Fig. 5-13). Also called a gastric or duodenal ulcer.
term- PCOS
word- polycystic ovary syndrome
meaning- Bilateral presence of numerous cysts, caused by a hormonal abnormality leading to the secretion of androgens. Can cause acne, facial hair, and infertility.
word- pelvic inflammatory disease
term- PSA
word- prostate-specific antigen
meaning- Blood test for prostatic
hypertrophy. Very high levels may indicate prostate cancer. Above 2.6 ng/ mL is considered elevated.
word-premature ventricular contraction
meaning- Ventricular ectopic beats (VEBs) are irregular contractions of the ventricles. Also called premature ventricular contractions (PVCs). PVCs are not always considered pathologic.
term- RBC
word- red blood cell
term- TIA
word- transient ischemic attack
meaning- TIA has the same mechanisms as a CVA, but the sequelae resolve and disappear within 24 hours; also known as a mini stroke.
term- TSH
word- Thyrotropin also called thyroid-stimulating
meaning- Stimulates thyroid to release two other thyroid hormones.
word- Transurethral resection of the prostate
meaning- Removal of the prostate in sections through a urethral approach. This procedure is the most common type of prostatectomy.
term- VSD
word- Ventricular septal defect
meaning- Ventricular septal defect (VSD) is a hole in the wall between the lower two chambers of the heart.
term- UTI
word- urinary tract infection
meaning- infection anywhere in the urinary system, caused most commonly by bacteria, but also by parasites, yeast, and protozoa (sing. protozoon). Most frequently occurring disorder in the urinary system.
term- WBC = 2 meanings
word- white blood cell
meaning- leukocytes -WBCs protect the body from invasion by pathogens.
word- white blood cell count
meaning- Measurement of the number of leukocytes in the blood. An increase may indicate the presence of an infection; a decrease may be caused by radiation or chemotherapy.