Chapter 3 Lesson 2 Flashcards
How long after Vizcaino sailed into Monterey Bay did spain decide to start a colony in Alta Californin?
more than 150 years
What is a colony?
a colony is a settlement that is ruled by a far away government
WHy did the Spanish decide to start a colony in Alta California?
because if they didn’t the english would take it away
feared Russia would move south from Alaska into California to claim it
What are missions?
religious settlements
HOw did the missions help Spain?
missons strengthened spain’s hold on new spain
WHo were missionaries?
a person who teaches religion to other people at missions
WHat did missionaries try to do?
tried to convert Indians to the Catholic religion
indian lives
1 speak spanish
2 spanish ways of life
WHat are expeditions?
trips that—for exploring
WHo planned 4 expeditions to Alta California?
José de Gálvez
Why was the journey by sea hard to Alta California?
Because of wind storms-wind patterns and ocean currents
Was the land route hard?
Yes because of mountains and fierce heat
Who was Gasper de Portola?
where did he travel to? and who did he travel with?
A conquistador
Mexico to alta ca
Soldiers Indians and priest
One of them junipero Serra
What did Juan Crespi say about the journey to Alta California?
Land lacked grass and water and abounded in [ had a lot of ] stones and thorns *
Did everyone survive the journey to Alta California?
AfterPortolas crew made it to San Diego Bay, where did they head out next to?
To Monterey bay
Did Portola find the Bay that Vizcaino had discovered on his first try? on his second?
First try-did not but on his 2nd try he found it
Who was Father Junipero Serra? What did he do?
Where was his headquarters?
When did he die?
Started missions
Discovered 9 missions
Monterey ca
Who was Juan Bautista de anza?
where was he from?
where was his expeditions from and to?
What was his journey like?
Tried to find a new land route to alta ca
From Mexico to alta ca
Did Anza find an easy route to Alta California?
SInce land routes were difficult how did they send supplies?
By sea on ships