Chapter 3 Flashcards
What is MASS
- celebration of the eucharist, celebration of the last supper and sacrifice
- MUST reenact the last supper
What is the office
opportunities for Christian communities to pray, also a wild TV show :)
What is the purpose of the Roman Liturgy?
- addressing god
- reinforcing faith of the attendees
What is the proper of the time?
Important dates in the Christian calendar (Christmas, Easter, etc.)
What is an antiphon?
a chant sung before or after a psalm
What is a responsory?
musical responses to bible references (alternates with the choir and congregation)
What are canticles?
poetic passages from the bible but NOT from the book of psalms
What is a missal?
a text for mass
What is a gradual?
a text for choir
What is a breviary?
Text for the office
What is the antiphoner?
songs for the choir
What is antiphonal?
two groups of choir alternate
What is syllabic?
almost every syllable has a note
What is neumatic?
syllables carry 1-6 notes
What is melismatic?
Long melodic passage on a single syllable
What are recitation formulas?
outlines that can be used with different text
What does it mean when something is performed directly?
sung by a single choir
What does responsorial mean?
sung by a soloist in alternation with a choir
What is a psalm?
Song of praise by King David of Hebrew people from the old testament
What is a doxology?
an ending phrase (glory be to the father and the son) to remind people that psalms should be thought of in context of the new testament
What are tropes?
Additions to the original chant (either by adding text, melodies, or both)
What is a sequence
Sung after Alleluia @ mass, paired sentences or phrases
What is Dies Irae
FEFDECDD, sequence of the mass of the dead
What is a liturgical drama?
Dialogue on a sacred subject performed with music/action
What piece is Hildegard of Bingen famous for?
Ordo Virtutum- morality play to teach nuns how to be virtuous, the only male character is the devil and he does not sing because he is unholy
Why did Hildegard get more respect in society?
She was in “contact with God”
What are the proper chants?
Introit, gradual, alleluia, offertory, communion
What are the ordinary chants?
kyrie, gloria, credo, agnus dei
The kyrie
plea for mercy (ordinary)
the gloria
praise of god (ordinary)
the gradual
virtuosic response to the readings (proper)
the alleluia
virtuosic response to the readings (proper)
the credo
saying what you should believe in (ordinary)
the sanctus
angelic song for the eucharist (ordinary)
agnus dei
plea for mercy/peace (ordinary)
the communion
music to distribute bread/wine (proper)
What is the 1st/2nd part of mass
1st part: singing
2nd part: eucharist
What is glossing?
interpreting the texts