Chapter 11 Flashcards
Are Catholic Churches or protestant churches more fancy?
Catholic churches
What is the council of trent?
A council that discussed reforms for the Catholic Church (1545-1563)
What did the council of Trent decide on?
- the pope is the head of the church
- sacrements and the clergy
- the Eucharist sacrifice
- the intercession of Mary and the Saints
Nicholas Gombert, Ave Regina Coelonum
- motet
- composed music that flows, no strong cadences
- imitation of each phrase
- NO text depiction
What was the council of Trent’s concern about music in church?
- if the words were intelligent
- if there should be polyphony
- if they should allow secular models for masses
- basically they were trying to keep everything extremely holy
What kind of music was Vincenzo Ruffo told to write?
homophonic and syllabic so it could be understood
Characteristics of Palestrina’s Pope Marcellus Mass
- free mass, not based on any borrowed material
- chordal in long movements, imitation in shorter movements
- strong syllables on strong beats
- smooth melodic lines
- careful control of dissonance VERY HARMONIOUS
- final chords include 3rds
Compare Palestrina’s Credo and Agnus Dei
- the credo is more syllabic, the Agnus Dei has more imitation
What is an imitation mass?
borrowing material from polyphonic works and making it into a mass
Thomas Luis de Victoria’s Magnum mysterium
- imitation mass made from a polyphonic motet
What did Orlando di Lasso do?
he wrote psalms, sold prints all over Europe, became famous, from the netherlands
di Lasso’s Cum essem parvulus (when I was a child)
- motet
- its about how you get wiser as you get older about love
- word painting- he makes the music interpret the text
- caritas = love
William Byrd
- secret catholic protected by queen Elizabeth
what is metrical psalm?
Metric, rhymed, and strophic vernacular translation of a psalm that is sung to a melody
what is a chorale?
strophic hymn for Lutherans (German)
What is an anthem?
A polyphonic vocal work in English for Anglicans
What did Martin Luther want to reform in the church?
- get rid of papal indulgences
- the bible should be the authority, not church officials
When was Martin Luther excommunicated
1521 at the diet of worms, but he started a movement so people helped him stay in society
What reforms were made by Martin Luther for the church service?
- removed the part of mass where they talk about the sacrifice of the priest
- made masses in languages people can understand
The Lutheran Chorale
translated from latin to German, so the congregation can sing in unison
Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott
battle song for Lutherans against Catholics
John Walter’s Geystliche gasangk Buchleyn
arranged a sacred song book for young people
What is contrafactum?
The practice of replacing the text of a vocal work with a new text while the music remains essentially the same; or the resulting piece.
What techniques did chorale motets borrow?
Franco-Flemish techniques, cantus-firmus and imitation
what is cantional style?
Manner of setting chorales in chordal homophony with the melody in the highest voice.
Who was Jean Calvin?
- like Martin Luther, but for protestants
- thought people were pre-destined to be good/bad
- started in Geneva (Switzerland), spread throughout Europe
- removed “distracting” fancy decorations from churches
what is a metrical psalm?
Metric, rhymed, and strophic vernacular translation of a psalm, sung to a relatively simple melody that repeats for each strophe.
A published collection of metrical psalms.
What kind of religion did Queen Elizabeth I want for England
anglican: a mix between catholic and protestant
What is service?
Anglican version of holy songs like matins etc.
Thomas Tallis/William Byrd
English composers that worked for King Henry VIII and Elizabeth I, catholic, so they composed latin motets
Why was William Byrd allowed to be catholic?
He was protected by Queen Elizabeth I