Chapter 3 Flashcards
What methods are there for measuring business size?
- Number of employees
- Revenue
- Market Share
- Market capitalisation
- Capital employed
- Outlets
Advantages of being a small business
- Can be managed and controlled by owner/s
- Offers personal service to customers
- If family-owned, the business culture is often normally informal and employees can be well-motivated and family-members can perform many roles
Advantages of being a family business:
- Knowledge continuity
- Commitment
- Reliability and pride
Disadvantages of being a small business:
- It may have limited sources of finance
- Few opportunities for economies of scale
- The owner/s have a large responsibility if they cannot afford specialist managers
Disadvantages of being a family business
- Succession/ Lack of continuity
- Informality
- Traditionalism
- Conflict
What is the important and role of small or micro businesses in the economy?
- Many jobs are provided by small businesses and collectively, it employs a high percentage of working population in many countries
- Small business are often run by dynamic entrepreneurs; they’d come up with new ideas which will create variety. This variety of choice benefits consumers.
- Large firms all started as small firms- the small firms of today are also the large firms of the future.
- Small firms create competition for larger businesses. They do this through lower prices and personal, good service; this makes larger firms also higher up their qualifications.
What is the role of small businesses as part of the industry structure in some industries?
Small business provide jobs Promote entrepreneurialism (not necessarily on a large scale) Grow into bigger businesses in future
Why might a business grow externally?
- Increase profits through achieving higher sales
- Increase market share for profile and bargaining power
- Reduced risk of being taken over by another business
This is normally because a business doesn’t wish to remain small
How might a business grow internally?
Opening more outlets, so shops, branches and factories
What is the calculation for market share?
Total business revenue/
Total industry revenue
Why might some people not want their business to grow?
- To remain in control
- To avoid heavy workloads
- To have some free time
Explain conflict in family businesses
Conflict between the family might affect the decision making and running of the business.
Explain informality as a disadvantage to family-owned businesses.
Because the business is informal and between family members there isn’t always clear setting of rules for practices and procedures and as the business grows, this could lead to inefficiency .
Explain lack of continuity as a disadvantage to family-owned businesses.
Many family businesses aren’t sustainable long-term because of lack of skills, ability, want, or motivation to keep the business afloat.
Explain traditionalism as a disadvantage to family-owned businesses.
In these businesses there is a frequent reluctance to change systems and procedures and there is a lack of innovation which could be disadvantageous to the business.
Explain knowledge continuity as an advantage to family businesses.
Necessary tools to run the business are learnt when family businesses pass on their accumulated knowledge from running the business themselves
Explain commitment as an advantage to family owned businesses
Family owners often dedicate themselves to seeing the family business grow, prosper and get passed on to younger generations.
Because of this, lots of the family might consider this an incentive to work harder and this might allow the business to grow in the long term.
Explain reliability and pride as an advantage to family owned businesses
Family businesses usually have their name associated with their products and because of this, would strive to increase the quality of their output and maintain a good relationship with their stakeholders.
What is the difference between internal and external growth?
Internal growth can be slow and involves creating more outlets and branching out the business.
External growth is buying our the competition or merging with them, assuming their outlets and taking over other to grow.
Why can some methods of measuring size be unreliable?
They might not be relevant to the business.
For example, a business that uses mainly machinery cannot be judged by the number of employees
How would a business grow internally?
Internal growth can be slow and involves creating more outlets and branching out the business.
How is revenue calculated?
Sales x price
What is the name of a business that has 25% of the market share?
What is the name for more than one business that has over a 25% market share?
What are the advantages to large business?
- can afford specialist managers
- can access more sources of finance
- more likely to be able to afford better research and development for new products
What are some disadvantages to a large business?
- suffers from divorce between ownership and control and cause conflicting objectives
- may be harder to manage (especially if geographically spread)
- potential higher costs for mass production