Chapter 3 Flashcards
That encloses the developing organism in amniotic fluid, which helps keep the temperature of the prenatal world constant and provides a cushion against any jolts caused by the woman’s movement
Prenatal diagnostic method
Medical procedures that permit detection of developmental problems before birth
Which surrounds the amnion as a protective membrane. From this tiny finger like villi, or blood vessels emerge
Permits food and oxygen to reach the developing organism and waste products to be carried away
Lasts from implantation through the 8th week of pregnancy. During the brief 6 weeks the most rapid prenatal changes take place as the groundwork is laid for all body structures and internal organs
From the 9th week to the end of pregnancy, is the longest prenatal period. During this growth and finishing phase, the organism increases rapidly in size especially from the 9th to the 20th week
A white cheese like substance covers the skin, protecting it from chapping during the long months spent in the amniotic fluid.
Downy hair that covers the entire body, helping the vernix stick to the skin.
Refers to any environmental agent that causes damage during the prenatal period
Fetal Alchohol Syndrome
Distinguished by:
1) slow physical growth
2) a pattern of three facial abnormalities (short eyelids, thin upper lip, big indentation under the nose)
3) brain injury, evident in a small head and jimpairment in at
least three areas of functioning; memory, language, and communication, attention span, planning and reasoning, motor coordination, or social skills
Partial fetal alcohol syndrome
Characterized by
1) two of the 3 facial abnormalities
2) brain injury evident in at least 3 areas of impaired functioning
Alcohol- relatedneurodevelopmental disorder
In which at least three areas of mental functioning are impaired, despite typical physical growth and absence of facial abnormalities. Again, prenatal alcohol exposure, though confirmed is less pervasive than in fas
Apgar scale
Used to asses the baby’s physical condition by doctors and nurses
Natural, or prepared, childbirth
Consists of a group of techniques aimed at reducing pain and medical intervention and making childbirth as rewarding an experience as possible.
Breech position
Turned in such a way that the buttocks or feet would be delivered first