Chapter 3 Flashcards
What is the most complex out of all organizations
- the biosphere
what is a biosphere
- all biomes on Earth
What is a biome
- a large geographical region of climate with particular biotic and abiotic factors
What is an ecosystem
- community of populations
- consists of a community of populations in a given area and the abiotic factors that surround and affect it
what is a community
- all populations in a habitat
what is a population
- all individuals of the same species living in the same area at the same time
What is an individual
- organism of a single species
what are species
- organisms that are able to breed with one another and produce fertile offspring
what are ecologists
- scientist who study the interactions of organisms with one another and their environment
-ex) individuals, populations, community systems
what are individual ecologists
- studies how abiotic factors affect the behaviours and physical features of an organism
What are population ecologists
- studies why a population changes over time
- rate of population change
- factors that determine the number of males and females in a population
What are community ecologists
- how different populations / species interact with one another
- how abiotic factors effect how many species live in a community
-why some communities are more diverse than others- competition between the individuals of the same species and/or between other species
communities are ___
- dynamic
From smallest to biggest organize the organization of the biosphere
- species / individual organisms
- population
- community
- ecosystem
- biome
- biosphere
What is taxonomy
- all living things are organized unto different groups based on their physical characteristics
Aristotle’s classifications in order
- plants and animals
- Animalae, Plantae, Protista
- Eukarya, Bacteria, Archaea (<—within those 3 domains there are 6 kingdoms of life)
Classify the taxonomy
Memorize: (most to least) Dopey King Philip Came Over For Good Soup
Actual: Domain Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus
1. # of organisms in each group decreases
2. physical characteristics become more similar
What is a transect and quadrat
Transect - sampled along a very long rectangle
- organisms are counted within a certain distance from a centre line
Quadrat - several locations within a study area are chosen and at each location a quadrat if the same size is marked out
What is density
- the number if individuals per unit of volume or area (D= =individuals/m^2)
what does habitat mean
- all biotic snd abiotic factors that support an organism’s survival and reproduction
what is a niche
- an organism’s role in its environment and its relationship with the ecosystem
___ factors determine the distribution of earth’s organisms
- abiotic
most organisms directly or indirectly obtain their energy from ___
- sunlight
what is an ecological niche
- an organisms “job” in an ecosystem. Describes the organism in relation to others in the ecosystem
What does a species’ niche include
- Habitat: where they live
- Relationships: Its interactions with other species in the ecosystem
- Nutrition: How it obtains food
What is biodiversity
- the variety of life in a habitat or ecosystem. The greater the biodiversity, the less competition there is for any niche
what are limiting factors
- abiotic and biotic conditions that limit the growth of a population
Examples of abiotic limiting factors
- Sunlight- seasonal changes, proximity to poles = different amounts of sunlight
- Temperature - seasonal changed (adaptation and structural factors), can affect evaporation rates
- Altitude - amount of oxygen available
- Water - amount and type of precipitation; length of time it remains in the upper layer of soil, available water
- Soil - series of horizontal layers of organic and inorganic matter, less organic matter deeper down
Biotic limiting factors
- Predation - an interaction where one species, the predator, kills and eats another organism, the prey
- Competition
- Parasitism
Biotic Limitinf Factors, Competition what are the 2 types
- Interspecific - between members of different species. the “losing” i driven away from area
- Infraspecific - between members of the same species. Always leads to a reduction in a population growth rates