chapter 3 Flashcards
moisture falling from air
snow water
water being prevented from reaching the surface by trees or grass
reaches soil moves down into ground
water that flows over the ground surface rather than soaking into the ground
Ground Water
water entering soil seeps down layer of clay or rock
evaporation of water from internal surface of leaves, stems and other living parts
liquid to gas
total amount of evaporation of water surfaces of ground and vegetation
Properties of Water
High Specific Heat - high resistance to temp
Latent Heat- energy required to change from one substance to the other
Density relationship with Temp- inverse relationship with temp
Cohesion- stick together- surface tension
Viscosity- aquatic vertebrates streamlined
Buoyancy- reduces effects of gravity-organisms large
Density and Temp relationship of water
inverse relationship
Water is most dense at?
4 degrees celsius
ice floats
Longer wavelengths
go deeper at a high rate, absorbed very quickly
Shorter wavelengths
scatter as they move through the water
Sunlight and warmth of water
decline in temp with depth
layer of water where temperature changes rapidly with depth from warm to cold
Temperature produces zonation in any water
epilimnion- upper layer, warm less dense
thermocline- rapidly changing temp prevents mixing
hypolimnion- lower layer, cold more dense
Tropics vs temperate zones themocline
Tropics Thermocline is permanent surface water is always warmer
Temperate zone Summer Thermocline is present surface water is warmest
Temperate Zone (fall)
surface water begins to cool
cool water sinks
warmer water moves to the surface, also cools eventually temperature becomes uniform
layer at the top move down
Vertical mixing
Moves nutrient
What is a stream or river
flowing body of water
temperature variable warm and cool
depending on the season shaded areas are cooler than those exposed to sunlight
Temperature affects stream community structure
cool water versus warm water organism
Solubility of oxygen in water
-with temp increase
-with pressure increase
-with salinity increase
a function of
- solubility decreases as temperature increases
-solubility increases as atmospheric pressure increases
-solubility decreases as salinity increases
Oxygen is lost through
uptake by aquatic organisms
increased water temperature
Oxygen is highest at the and lowest at the
highest at the surface diffusion photosynthesis
lower with increasing depth cellular respiration
Turnover and oxygen in the deep
as warm and cold waters rise and fall deeper water is recharged with oxygen
What happens in the winter? with oxygen
Oxygen demand is what?
What does ice do?
oxygen solubility is higher at lower temperatures
oxygen demand reduced for most organisms
ice reduces diffusion from the atmosphere
pH range of natural waters