Chapter 28: Growth and Development of the school aged child Flashcards
school age
6-12 yrs
Physical growth
Average of 2 1/2 inches per year, they increase their hight by at least a foot. An increase of 7 pounds per year in weight is expected. The later school years girls pass the boys. The development of secondary sexual characteristics and differences can cause emotional problems
Organ systems
The brain is completely grown by 10 years.
The respiratory system matures decreasing the rate of infection. Respiratory rates decrease, they become diaphragmatic breathers.
Blood pressure increases and the pulse decreases.
20 baby teeth are replaced with 28 to 32 permanent teeth.
Bladder capacity increases. The capacity is the age in years +2 ounces
Musculoskeletal: become more Coordinated. Muscles are immature and can be injured easily.
Immune system continues to grow until the child is nine years old. IGA and IgG reach adult levels at 10 years.
later school aged years also known as preadolescence. Between middle childhood and the 13th birthday. Occurs two years before puberty. Development of secondary sexual characteristics and rapid growth for girls and period of continued growth for boys. There’s about a two year difference in the onset between boys and girls.
Industry versus inferiority. Learn how things work, develop new skills, develops a sense of self esteem. They feel inferior if not accomplished
Concrete operational. The child can coordinate information from different dimension. They can see things from another point of view. Classified four generations of the family tree. Principle of conservation.
Kohlberg is spiritual and moral development.
Good child versus bad child and law and order. They think the adult is right. They may understand their religion and it guides their cultural beliefs.
Gross motor skills
Coordination, balance, rhythm, 2 wheel bike, jump rope, Dance, sports.
Fine motor skills
Eye hand coordination and balance improved. Hand usage improves and becomes steady. This helps write, sew, and build models.
All senses are mature. They should have 2020 vision. Vision screening should be done at school. Problems include Ambylopia/lazyeye, refractive errors, malalignment. Ambylopia Is the leading cause of visual impairment and if untreated by age 9 may cause irreversible vision loss.
Loud noises repeatedly could affect hearing
Language development
Culturally specific words are used. Reading improves language skills. Complex grammatical forms are used. They may understand metaphors.
Is starting to be influenced by peers. Children learn to respect differing viewpoints. They may change behavior to gain acceptance. They may test family boundaries. They will usually incorporate the parents family values, but there may be conflict. They need a parent, not a friend.
4-8 years old need 1400 to 1600 cal a day. 9-13 years old and active need 1800-2000 cal. About 70 cal/kg. Girl may need less. 4 to 8 years old need 800 to 1000 mg of calcium. 9 to 13 years old need 1300 mg of calcium.
Diet should include a protein with every meal, milk with vitamin D, vegetables with vitA, fruits with vitC, whole grain or enriched bread, vegetable oil high in polyunsaturated fats, Four servings of 4 ounces of meat each week. Fish one to 2 times per week. Dark green veggies four times per week. Eggs four times per week
Sleep and rest
6 to 8 need 12 hours per night.
8 to 10 need 10 to 12 hours.
10 to 12 need 9 to 10 hours.
Breast for 2 to 3 minutes 2 to 3 times a day. Replaced toothbrush every 3 to 4 months. floss daily. Decrease sugar intake. Dentist every six months. Dental sealant are recommended. Bruxism is grinding teeth and may need evaluated.
The child should be able to express emotion without using violence. Discipline techniques with consequences have natural and logical consequences. natural the child learns the results of his or her actions. Teach the child the rules, boundaries, and social rules. Base discipline on the developmental level, severity of behavior, rules of the family, temperament of the child, and response of the child to rewards.
Stealing, lying, and cheating
6 to 8 years old do not understand the concept of ownership and property rights. by age nine they should respect others possessions and property and understand that stealing is wrong. Lying is common in boys and children between five and eight. Children between eight and 12 lie because they cannot meet expectations. cheating is not understood until seven years.