Chapter 25: Newborn Growth and development Flashcards
Birth to one year
Neonate or newborn is birth to 28 days
increase in functionality of various body systems or developmenal skills
adjusted age
Subtract the number of weeks the infant was premature, from the actual age. Use this age when assessing the growth and development.
Birth 7.5 (loose 10% over first 5 days)
6 months doubles 16
1 year triples 23
Birth 19-21 (increases about 1 per month)
6 months 25-27(about 1/2 per month)
1 year 28-30
Head Circumference
1 inch greater than chest
Birth 13-14
6 months 16.5-17.5
1 year 17.7-18.7
States of Consciousness
Deep sleep: lies quiet without movement
Light sleep: move a little while sleeping and may startle to noises
Drowsiness: Eyes may close, dozing
Quiet alert state: eyes are wide open and body is calm
Active alert state: Infants face and body move actively
Crying: cries or screams, body moves in disorganized fashion
Root-turn to side birth-3months
Suck- birth to 2-5 months
Moro - C abduct of arms Birth - 4 months
Asymmetric tonic neck -fencing, extremeties extend on side head is turned birth- 4 months
Palmar grasp birth -4 to 6 months
Plantar grasp birth - 9 months
Babinski birth to 12 months
Step birth to 4-8 weeks
Neck righting: keeps head upright 4-6 months - forever
Parachute: catch a fall 6 months - forever
backwards starts at 9-10 months
Rate slows From 30-60 to 20-30 at one year
Lacks IgA which contributes to infections
Maturity at 7 years
Heart doubles in size the first year
Pulse decreases from 120-140 to about 100
BP increases from 60/40 to 100/50
Thermoregulation improves
Of concern is red, white, or black. Mucuslike, frequent and watery, frothy or foul, hard, dry, formed, or pelletlike, or if baby is vomitting.
During the last trimester, the mom transfers iron stores to the fetus. Premature miss some of this increasing risk for iron deficiency anemia
IgG thru placena lasts for 3-6 months
IgG is made after that.
IgM reaches adult levels at 9 months
1st year Trust vs Mistrust
birth - 2 years Sensorimotor
substage 1: use of reflexes, to one month
substage 2: primary circular reactions 1-4, object
permanence starts
substage 3: 2nd circular reactions 4-8
substage 4: coordination of secondary schemes 8-12
object permanence developed by 8 months