Chapter 23 - final Flashcards
When was the Final Solution to the Jewish question implemented?
1942 - 1945
Where did the Nazis plan to send the Jews originally?
Madagascar and Siberia
What was the area of Poland controlled by the Nazis known as?
General Government area.
What led to the radical new policies towards the Jews?
- The war against the Soviet Union had not been won by 1941.
- The General Government area already had more Jews than they could cope with.
When did the Wannsee Conference take place?
20 January 1942
When was the Wannsee Conference originally meant to take place?
December 1941
What happened at the Wannsee Conference?
Senior bureaucrats were informed of the Final Solution as it had already been made - the Final Solution was not made at the Conference as is mistakenly thought.
Who chaired the Wannsee Conference?
Reinhard Heydrich
Who was the driving force behind the Final Solution?
Some historians think it was from an unwritten order from Hitler; others think Heydrich was ‘empire building’ and trying to enhance his own power.
When the Germans began to lose the war in 1942-43, what happened to the Final Solution?
Rather than focusing their efforts on fighting the Allies, the Final Solution was accelerated and given higher priority than military needs.
What is Untermenschen?
Literally ‘sub-humans’
What percentage of Jews killed in the Holocaust dies at Auschwitz?
What was the first deathcamp?
Chelmno, built December 1941
What is Zyklon B?
Poisonous cyanide gas, developed by a Jewish scientist in World War One that was used later in the death camps.
What happened at Sobibor in October 1943?
A Jewish revolt led to the escape of 800 prisoners.
What Jewish resistance group operated in Belarus from 1941 onwards?
The group led by the Bielski brothers, with 1200 members.
What happened at Auschwitz in 1944?
Jewish prisoners managed to blow up Crematorium 4 in revolt.
As the Germany army began to retreat, what did the Nazis do with the prisoners of the death camps?
Sent them on death marches where countless died of exhaustion or were shot if they could not keep up the pace.