Chapter 16 - final Flashcards
How did the Nazis establish control over teachers?
- The Law for the Restoration of a Professional Civil Service allowed some teachers to be dismissed.
- Teachers were forced to join the National Socialist Teachers’ League (NSLB).
When was the NSLB created?
April 1929
What received a greater emphasis under the Nazi school curriculum?
Physical education - military style drills were a feature of P.E. lessons.
What happened to the number of students attending university between 1933 and 1939?
It decreased as the Nazis placed less emphasis on the importance of academic education.
What percentage of university places were reserved for women?
What percentage of university places were reserved for Jews?
How many university staff were dismissed because of the Law for the Restoration of a Professional Civil Service?
1200 - about 15%
How were students at university controlled?
They were made to join the German Students’ League (DS).
What proportion of students managed to avoid joining the DS?
When was the Hitler Youth created?
What did the Law for the Incorporation of German Youth do?
Made the Hitler Youth an official education movement, equal in status to schools.
When was the Law for the Incorporation of German Youth passed?
When was membership of the Hitler Youth made compulsory?
What motto were boys taught from the age of 10?
‘Live faithfully, fight bravely and die laughing’
What was the purpose of the Hitler Youth?
To indoctrinate young boys with Nazi ideology and prepare them for war.
What was the female equivalent of the Hitler Youth?
League of German Girls (BDM)
What was the motto of the BDM?
‘Be faithful, be pure, be German’
When did membership of the BDM become compulsory?
What was the aim of the BDM?
Prepare girls for their role as mothers and housewives.
How did the Nazis view the declining birth rate in the 1920s?
With alarm as it undermined their aim to settle Germans in newly acquired territory.
What was the main Nazi policy towards women after 1933?
Raise the birth rate.
Who received marriage loans?
Women who left work and married an Aryan man. For each child born the amount of the loan that had to be repaid was reduced.
How many babies earned you a bronze medal?
How many babies earned you a silver medal?
How many babies earned you a gold medal?
What was the German Women’s League (DFW)?
Organisation that coordinated all women’s groups under Nazi control.
How many members did the German Women’s League (DFW) have by 1939?
6 million
Of the 6 million members of the DFW, how many were Nazi Party members?
What was the Reich Mother’s Service (RMD)?
An organisation that trained women in the important duties of motherhood and domestic tasks.
How many women had attended the training services of the RMD by 1939?
1.7 million
What happened to the number of women in the workforce between 1933 and 1939?
Despite it running counter to their ideology and efforts, the number actually increased as ideology gave way to economic realities in the form of labour shortages.
When were trade unions banned?
2 May 1933
When was the German Labour Front (DAF) established?
6 May 1933
What were the two main aims of the DAF?
Win workers over to the volksgemeinschaft and increase production.
What was the Strength Through Joy (KdF) organisation?
An organisation that sought to organise workers’ leisure time in the hope that workers would be refreshed by holidays and more efficient when they returned to work.
What were the aims of the KdF?
- Encourage workers to see themselves as part of the volksgemeinschaft and not an individual.
- Encourage a spirit of social equality as there was no distinction between rich and poor.
- Encourage participation in sport.
- Encourage competition and ambition.
What did members of the KdF receive?
- Subsidised holidays in Germany and abroad.
- Discounts on theatre and cinema tickets.
How many people belonged to the KdF by 1936?
35 million
What was the German Evangelical Church?
The main Protestant church in Germany.
How did the Nazis view the German Evangelical Church?
A potential nucleus for a single national Church.
Why did German Protestants tend to support the Nazis?
Many were anti-Semitic, anti-communist, and had a tradition of cooperation with the State.
When were elections to the Evangelical Church held?
July 1933
What happened in the Church elections of 1933?
The Nazis won a sweeping victory.
Who was appointed Reich Bishop?
Ludwig Muller
What did the position of Reich Bishop allow Ludwig Muller to do?
Nazify the Church, abolishing all elected bodies and reorganised it along the leadership principle.
When was the Confessional Church established?
September 1933
Who set up the Confessional Church?
Martin Niemoller
Who was the Confessional Church?
A breakaway Protestant Church consisting of pastors that resisted the Nazification of the Evangelical Church.
How many pastors supported the Confessional Church?
When were church schools abolished?
Late 1930s
What was the Church Secession Campaign?
A campaign that tried to persuade party members to renounce their church membership.
Why was the Catholic Church a greater obstacle than the Protestant Church?
Catholics were part of an international community with the Pope as their leader.
Where were the areas of overlap between the Catholics and Nazis?
Catholics saw communism as a greater threat than Nazism and many were also anti-Semitic.
When was the Concordat agreed?
July 1933
What did the Concordat state?
- The Catholic Church would not interfere with politics and the Nazis would keep out of the Catholic Church.
- The Church would keep control of schools and youth organisations.
Who was Fritz Gerlich and what happened to him?
He was editor of a Catholic journal and a critic of the regime who was murder in the NOTLK.
Who issued With Burning Brief and when?
Pope Pius XI in March 1937
What had happened to all Church schools by 1939?
They had been converted into community schools.
Who was the editor of a Catholic journal murdered during the Night of the Long Knives?
Fritz Gerlich