Chapter 23- Ecosystems Flashcards
How percentage efficiency of energy transfer between producers and herbivores can be estimated?
- primary consumer energy / produvcer energy X 100
- sample of producers collected
- sample of consumers collected
- collected from same area
- measure biomass/ dry mass of population
- calculate energy content by using calorimeter
Ways that farmers can maximise the efficiency of transfer of energy from primary consumers to humans?
- keep animals warm
- reduce animal movement
- feed high energy food
- vaccinations/ antibiotics
converts inorganic molecules to organic molecules
Derives energy from feeding on other organisms
trophic level?
level in a food chain
Peat bog. Human body found. Not decomposed. Why?
- waterlogging in peat bogs reduces oxygen
- acidity/ low pH stops enzymes working
Why removal of peat bogs discouraged by conservation groups?
- take long time to form and hard to replace
- loss of biodiversity
How plant protein converted to animal protein in sheep?
- animal eat plants
- hydrolyse proteins to amino acids
- amino acids move into cells
- synthesis of proteins by translation
Processes which contribute to humus in meadow where sheep are?
- death of animals/ leaf loss
- decomposition
- excretion of faeces
Describe nitrification and explain significance of these bacteria for growth of plants?
- NH4+ -> NO2- oxidation reaction NITROSOMONAS
- NO2- -> NO3- oxidation reaction NITROBACTER
- nitrifying bacteria
- plants use nitrates to make amino acids
Why soil nitrate conc will decrease if field used to grow repeated crops of cabbage year after year?
- plants use nitrate
- cabbage harvested so less decay
- less recycling of nitrogen
Crop to use to convert nitrogen in air into nitrates and how this works?
- use legume
- RHIZOBIUM (nitogen fixing bacteria) will convert N2 into NH4+
- nitrification: to NO2- to NO3- using NITROSOMONAS and NITROBACTER
Why continued existence of rare breeds desirable?
- if conditions change in future
- to maintain biodiversity
- genetic engineering
Essential steps that must have occured for breed to develop distinctive metabolism?
- mutation
- selective advantage
How energy content of producer can be measured?
- calorimeter
- dry mass of organic material burnt in oxygen
Why carnivore would absorb more enegry than herbivore?
- meat more digestible
- contains no cellulose
- mainly protein and fat
Difference between pioneer community and climax community?
pioneer community
- lower biodiversity
- lower biomass
- self sustaining
- break down of dead matter/ waste
- conversion of organic matter to inorganic
conversion of nitrates to nitrogen gas
Difference between decomposition and denitrification?
- decompostion increases nitrate supply
- denitfriciation decreases nitrate supply
Nitrogen fixation?
conversion of atmospheric nitrogen into NH4+
-conversion of NH4+ into NO2- + NO3-
Role of decomposers in decompositition in leaves?
- are bacteria / fungi that undergo external digestion as they saprophytic
- do this by secreting enzymes on dead matter to break them down and absorb breakdown products
- makes NH4+
conversion of nitrogen gas to ammonium compounds in soil?
nitrogen fixation