Chapter 23 Flashcards
Referred to land being governed by an outside power on behalf of the League of Nations
A name some Jews called themselves
Drip irrigation
Preserves precious water resources by letting precise amounts of water drip on plants from pipes
Used in fertilizer and explosives
Severe restriction on trade
Process of removing salt from seawater
A countries basic support facilities - roads, schools, airports, seaports, communication systems
Conservative religious leader in Iran who believed in strict Islamic law
Which Turks did not impose Islamic law on non-Muslims?
Ottoman Turks
Who was called the sick man of Europe by mid-1800s?
Ottoman Empire
Allied powers of ww1:
Great Britain, France, Russia
Central powers of ww1
German, Austria-Hungary
Which side did Ottoman Empire join?
Central powers
What part of Ottoman Empire would be given independence after the war?
Arab peninsula
Two people involved in Great Britain/Arab secret dealings
McMahon and Husayn
What did British promise Arabs if they revolted against Ottoman Empire?
British support for one Arab homeland
Sykes picot agreement
Limited independent Arab state to area that is now Saudi Arabia and Yemen. French control of Syria and Iraq now to great to Britain.
Who was Sykes picot agreement between
France and Great Britain
Fin results of peace conference after ww1
Ottoman Empire reduced to single independent country- Turkey
Arab state limited to what is now Saudi Arabia and Yemen
France and Great Britain divided the m rest
By mid 1940s which country’s fate remained undecided?
Which two groups claim Palestine as their homeland?
The Arabs and the Jews
Why were countries sympathetic to Jews after ww2?
Six million Jews died in holocaust
Why did the Jews claim Palestine?
Ancient historical ties to region
Why did the Arabs claim Palestine
Arabs had lived there for centuries
Arab League
Created in response to worldwide support of Jewish homeland in Palestine
What did the UN decide to do with Palestine after Britain pulled out?
You and decided to partition Palestine into two states one Arab and one Jewish
May 1948
Creation of the new independent state of Israel
Creation of the state of Israel led to
1948 war. Arabs were furious because they had been given less than half of the land and it was mostly desert
What was the result of the 1948 war
Israel controlled more than three quarters of the land and Palestine was left with no country at all
What has been Israel’s environmental goal?
To turn desert into productive land
Israel’s driest region
Negev desert
National water carrier
A series of pipelines canals and tunnels that irrigates the Negev desert
Where is the Dead Sea?
Tween Israel and Jordan
Where is potash extracted from?
The Dead Sea
How was Israel getting people to move to the desert?
By offering hi pay an extra time off
This is real world leader in producing?
Medical laser technology, weaponry, aerospace equipment, and electronics
Two groups of Jews in Palestine
European Jews – wealthier, mostly from Europe, and immigrated before 1948
Sephardic Jews - mostly from Southwest Asia, north Africa, and Asia; lower standard of living in earned less money
Israel’s democratically elected parliament
Major political challenge facing Israel
To build lasting peace with Palestinians and other Arab neighbors
Where do you Palestinians first take refuge after the 1948 war?
Gaza Strip, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon
When did Israel take the Gaza Strip and West Bank?
During the second war in 1967
Palestinian liberation organization – Palestinians government in exile
What have PLO extremist been known to do
Extreme is hijacked planes kidnapping in killing Israeli civilians. Mostly viewed as terrorists
Where has most PLO activity been conducted from
When did Israel invade Lebanon
When did Israel and the PLO officially recognize each other?
What for modern countries make up the Middle East?
Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq
Richland useful for farming in the ancient middle east
Fertile Crescent.
Farming and first civilizations first developed in
The Fertile Crescent
What land did Jordan gain after the 1948 war
The West Bank
Why was the West Bank important to Jordan
Supplied Jordan with fertile land for growing crops. One third of GDP came from West Bank
Who attacked Israel in 1967
Jordan, Syria, and Egypt
What was the result of the 1967 war for Jordan
They lost the West Bank and second largest city, East Jerusalem. Their economy was devastated
Half of Jordanian population is made up of
Palestinian refugees
Lebanon before the Civil War
Mild climate, beaches, and open social and political platform
Other name for Beirut
Paris of the middle east
Before the Civil War what religious group in Lebanon had the most power
Maronite Christians
Set up base in Lebanon
Why did US soldiers pulled out of Lebanon in 1984
Americans were being targeted
What groups were fighting in Lebanon during the Civil War?
Christians and Muslims
Citizen army
Mid-1980s Lebanon was in a state of
When did Lebanon reach peace and start rebuilding infrastructure
When did Israel withdraw its troops
Who threatens peace with Israel,
Hezbollah guerrillas
Who is the leader of Syria now
Bashar al-Assad
The Syrian people rebel against the leader because because
Little freedom
Two main groups of stepped in to try to stop the fighting in Syria
Russia and the Islamic state
How many Syrian refugees are there
4.5 million
Where does most of Iraq lie
On watered plain between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers
What replaced farming is the most important economic activity in Iraq in the 1920s
Rack find an eight year were with leaving both countries in debt,
Who did Iraq invaded 1990
Was the leader of Iraq for a long period of time
Saddam Hussein
The US and you and intervene doing what war that was started in 1990
The Persian golf war
Worlds largest stateless minority
Where are the Kurds now
And Curtis Stan which is located in Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Iran, and Armenia
Capital of Oman
Capital ofYemen
Capital of Saudi Arabia
Capital of united Arab emirates
Abu Dhabi
Capital of Kuwait
Capital of Iran
Capital of Iraq
Capital of Lebanon
Apple of Israel
Capital of Turkey
Capital of Bahrain
Capital of Qatar
Capital of Jordan
capital of Syria