Chapter 22 Flashcards
What is a resource?
The total amount of a geologic material in all its deposits, discovered and undiscovered.
What is a reserve?
The discovered deposits of a geologic material that are economically and legally possible to recover under present circumstances.
what are the two types of energy?
Kinetic and potential.
What are Energy resources?
The material we use to produce heat and electricity or as fuel for transport.
What are reservoir rocks?
A rock that is sufficiently porous and permeable to store and transmit petroleum.
What are oil traps?
A set of conditions that hold petroleum in a reservoir rock and prevent its escape by migration.
What are oil fields?
An area underlain by one or more oil pools.
What is coal bed methane?
Gas trapped in coal.
What is Oil Sands?
Asphalt-cemented sand deposit.
What is passive solar heating?
Heating achieved through efficient building design.
What is active solar heating?
The use of solar panels to heat water for hot water and heating.
What is Photovoltaic cells?
Thin wafers of silicon used to convert sunlight directly into electricity.
What are biofuels?
Fuel derived from biological matter.
What is strip mining?
When giant pits are dug to recover needed assets.
What are Placer Deposits?
Valuable mineral grains concentrated in sedimentary deposit by stream flow or wave action.
What are the three things that affect how a mine is built?
- The geometry of the underground ore body
- The need for safety
- The need to maximize profit.
What are hydrothermal fluids?
When water is forced into the country rock around a magma plume.