Chapter 2 Flashcards
The study of Minerals
A naturally occurring, inorganic, crystalline solid that has a specific chemical composition.
Naturally formed aggregates of mineral or mineral-like substances.
The smallest Electrically neutral assemblies of energy and matter that we know exist in the universe.
A specific type of atom.
Atomic Number
The total number of protons in an atom.
The Atomic Mass number
The total number of neutrons and protons in an atom.
Atoms of the same element that have different numbers of neutrons but the same number of protons.
Atomic Weight
The average weight of an atom.
An atom that has a surplus or deficit of electrons relative to the number protons. Giving it a positive electrical charge.
a positively charged ion that has fewer electrons than protons.
A negatively charged particle that has more electrons than protons.
Ionic Bonding
Atoms that have different charges are attracted to one another form these bonds.
covalent Bonding
Bonding with adjacent atoms were electrons are shared.
What are Polymorphs
Minerals with different crystal structure, but with identical chemical composition.
Metallic Bonding
Atoms are closely packed and the electrons move freely throughout the crystal so as to hold the atoms together.
Oxygen combined with silicon.
Substances that contain silica.
The basic building block of a crystal.
Isolated Silicate Structure
Silicate minerals that are structured so that none of the oxygen atoms are shared by tetrahedra.
chain silicate structre
When two oxygen atoms are shared with adjacent tetrahedra to form a chain.
Sheet Silicate Structure
Three oxygen atoms are shared to form a sheet and those sheets are held together by positive ions.
Framework Silicate STructure
Three oxygen ions are shared by adjacent tetrahedra. Quartz and feldspar are examples.
Compositional Zoning
Minerals that are dominated by different types of cation giving it the tree ring shape.
The color of powder formed when a mineral is crushed
The light that is reflected from a mineral.
Metallic Luster
Luster is eater metallic or nonmetallic.
A fancy way of saying Glassy Luster.
What are the 10 minerals on Mohs scale of hardness?
- Talc 2. gypsum 3. calcite 4. fluorite 5. Apatite 6. Feldspar 7. Quartz 8. Topaz 9. Corundum 10. Diamond
Crystal Form
The set geometric shape of a mineral in relationship to each other.
What is the Law of Constancy of interfacial angles?
When minerals always form in the same geometric shape.
The ability of a mineral to break along preferred planes.
The way a substance breaks where not controlled by cleavage.
Weight per given volume.
Specific Gravity
The ratio of the mass of a substance to the mass of an equal volume of water, determined at a specific temperature.
Straight parallel lines on the flat surfaces of crystal faces.
Products of crystallizing liquid.
Minerals that crystallize directly from volcanic gases around volcanic vents.
what is a Conchoidal Fracture?
When a mineral breaks and it looks like a clam shell
Minerals that do not contain Silicon.
What do Carbonates have in their chemical formula?
What do Sulfates have in their chemical formula?
What do Sulfides have in their chemical Formula?
What is the unique property of oxides.
Oxides do not have oxygen bonded to silicon.
What is unique about chlorides?
contains cl
Native Elements
have only one Element in their formulas. Aka gold