Chapter 21 Flashcards
Khrushchev and the reaction to Stalinism, 1954-63
What were the three potential contenders to succeed Stalin?
Malenkov, Khrushchev, and Beria
What great political changes was announced 6th March 1953?
It was announced that Georgii Malenkov would combine the roles of Secretary of the Party’s Central Committee and Chairman of the Council of Ministers
What happened as a result of Malenkov’s changes?
Malenkov was forced to step down in both rules to concentrate on his governmental role. His post was taken by Khrushchev
What policies show Beria’s desire to depart from Stalinist policies?
He advocated the release of most political prisoners, took a moderate line in foreign policy, denounced the Georgian purge and sought to cut back construction projects
What was Beria accused and promptly executed for in December 1953?
He was executed due to his ‘criminal anti-Party and anti-State activities’
What was the Communist party most clearly divided on?
Foreign policy, industrial and agricultural policy, and the role of the party
What were Malenkov’s ideas for his ‘New Course’?
To change collective farm policy, reduce peasant taxes and put more investment into consumer goods
What were Khrushchev’s own policy ideas that separated him from Malenkov?
He offered a parallel development of the heavy and light industry, selling himself as an agricultural expert
Who acted as a joint leader with Khrushchev until 1958?
Nikolai Bulganin
How was Khrushchev almost unseated in 1957?
The Presidium voted in favour for Khrushchev’s dismissal, but the vote in the Central Committee was full of Khrushchev’s supporters, including Zhukov
How did Khrushchev handle opposition in the early years of his premiership?
In 1957, Khrushchev dismissed Zhukov and launched a propaganda campaign against him. In 1958, Bulganin was accused of encouraging anti-Party groups
How many delegates met at the First Party Congress following Stalin’s death?
How did Khrushchev criticise Stalin during the Party Congress?
Khrushchev’s speech ‘On the Cult of Personality and its Consequences’, accusing Stalin of the purges, Terror, torture, mass arrests, executions, gulags, and Kirov’s murder
What were the limitations of Khrushchev’s ‘Secret Speech’?
The speech paid limited attention to the purging of ordinary Soviet citizens, economic controls, the Single Party and the elimination of factions
How did police influence dwindle throughout Khrushchev’s premiership?
The Secret Police was reduced in size, political amnesties were implemented and there was a partial revival of the independent judiciary
What were Khrushchev’s primary goals in his leadership from 1957?
Democratisation - by weakening the traditional bureaucracy. Decentralisation - giving more intiatives to the localities
How did Khrushchev handle democratisation?
Khrushchev split the Party into urban and rural sections at all levels, party officials were given fixed terms and membership was expanded to 11 million by 1964
How did Khrushchev handle decentralisation?
The role of local soviets were augmented and comrade courts were revived, as well as non-Party members taking supervisory roles