Chapter 20 Terms Flashcards
Aortic Stenosis
calcification of aortic valve cusps that restricts forward flow of blood during systole
Aortic Valve
the left semilunar valve separating the left ventricle and the aorta
Apex of the Heart
tip of the heart pointing down toward the fifth left intercostal space
Apical Impulse
point of maximal impulse (PMI); pulsation created as the left ventricle rotates against the chest wall during systole, normally at the fifth left intercostal space in the midclavicular line
Bell (of the stethoscope)
cup-shaped end piece used for soft, low-pitched heart sounds
slow heart rate, less than 50 beats/min in the adult
bulbous enlargement of distal phalanges of fingers and toes that occurs with chronic cyanotic heart and lung conditions
dusky-blue mottling of the skin and mucous membranes due to excessive amount of reduced hemoglobin in the blood
Diaphragm (of the stethoscope)
flat end piece of the stethoscope used for hearing relatively high-pitched heart sounds
a hearts filling phase
difficult, laboured breathing
swelling of the legs or dependent body part due to increased interstitial fluid
Mitral valve
left AV valve separating left atria and ventricle
uncomfortable awareness of rapid or irregular heart rate
Pulmonic valve
right semilunar valve separating the right ventricle and pulmonary artery
fainting; temporary loss of consciousness due to decreased cerebral blood flow, caused by ventricular asystole, pronounced bradycardia, or ventricular fibrillation
the hearts pumping phase
rapid heart rate, faster than 100 beats/min in the adult
Tricuspid valve
right AV valve separating the right atria and ventricle