Chapter 20 - Culture Flashcards
Four approaches to culture
- configurationalist approach
- basic and modal personality approach
- national characteristic approach
- Hofstede approach
Configurationalist approach
personality is culture, culture takes on character of all its members’ personalitities
>differences in culture: result of cultural personality types
> studied through the individual (= each individual microcosm of the culture in which they live)
Basic and modal personality structure approach
= focus on identifying common, shared traits or patterns within a cultural group to describe a typical or modal personality structure prevalent in that specific culture.
- compares traits of the individuals of each society to achieve a basic personality for each culture
Modal personality approach
> as a criticism to the basic personality approach
looking at the characteristics of groups that were most frequently encountered within a society (Statistical modal) –> wider range of characteristics to be identified!
National character
Shared perception of personality characteristics typical of citizens of a nation
- Personality-related characteristics about which people have a shared opinion if asked to make a judgment
> no valid national characters (no relation to the actual personality type of individuals within these countries)!!!
- Low vs. High power distance
- Individualism vs. Collectivism
- Masculinity vs. Femininity
- Uncertainty avoidance
- long-term / short-term orientation
(6. Indulgence)
Individualism vs. Collectivism
- Individualism: social and cultural outlook emphasizing independence and self-reliance, promotion of individual’s desires and goals
- Collectivism: social and cultural outlook emphasizing the communal aspects of the culture (community, group and cultural goals)
Low vs. high power distance
extent to which less powerful members of a culture accept and expect that power is distributed unequally throughout that culture
> low power distance: people relate to each other as they are equal
> high power distance: less powerful members accept and expect aspects of that culture (decision-making, autocratic)
Masculinity vs. Femininity
- extent to which is a culture is understood in terms of masculinity / femininity
> masculine cultures: emphasize value traits (competitiveness, assertiveness, ambition, …)
> feminine cultures: emphasizing traits such as relationships and quality of life
Uncertainty avoidance
extent to which members of a culture develop social mechanisms/ rules to attempt to deal with anxiety by minimizing uncertainty (traditions, cultural rules)
Long-term vs. Short-term orientation
refers to the importance attached by that culture to the future vs. the past and present
> extent to which members expect immediate (short-term) or delayed (long-term) gratification
> time horizon
> short-term: value on consumption, competition (Western cultures)
> long-term: persistence, perseverance, being patient (China, Japan, Asian cultures)