Chapter 20 Flashcards
The European great powers welcomed a civil war in the US for all of the following:
1) A divided America would likely put a halt to European immigration.
2) They could play the two nations off against one another in a game of balance of power.
3) Their existing colonies would be safe against further American expansion.
4) They might more readily seize new colonial territory in the Americas.
President Lincoln’s decision on what to do about the situation at Fort Sumter in the first weeks of his administration can best be characterized as
a middle of the road solution.
Confederate batteries fired on Fort Sumter when it was learned that
Lincoln had ordered supplies sent to the fort.
In 1861, many Northerners were willing to allow Southern states to leave the Union until
the South attacked Fort Sumter.
In order to persuade the Border States to remain in the Union, President Lincoln
used legally dubious methods.
The Border States offered all of the following advantages:
1) A large population.
2) A good supply of horses and mules.
3) Valuable manufacturing capacity.
4) Large navigable rivers.
Lincoln’s declaration that the North sought to preserve the Union with or without slavery
revealed the influence of the Border States on his policies.
Lincoln declared from the outset of the Civil War that
he was not fighting to free the blacks.
During the Civil War, most of the Five Civilized Tribes in the Indian Territory of present-day Oklahoma
supported the Confederacy.
The Cherokees’ decision on whether to side with the North or South during the Civil War was based on
the fact that the tribe also owned slaves.
In return for support from the Plains Indians during the Civil War, the Union
waged war on them and herded them onto reservations.
To achieve its independence, the Confederacy had to
fight the invading Union army to a draw.
As the Civil War began, the South seemed to have the advantage of
more talented military leaders.
All of the following were similar characteristics that both Union and Confederate soldiers shared
1) Most soldiers had been farmers or farm laborers.
2) Most troops were native born.
3) Almost half were under the age of 22.
4) Both shared a common commitment to patriotism.
Johnny Reb tended to be all of the following:
1) Jocular.
2) Emotional.
3) Religious.
4) Bred to fight.
Billy Yank tended to be all of the following:
1) Literate.
2) Intellectual.
3) Practical.
4) Efficient.
Of all the hardships faced by the soldiers during the Civil War, the greatest was
The greatest weakness of the South during the Civil War was its
The North’s greatest strength in the Civil War was its
Much of the hunger experienced by Confederate soldiers in the Civil War was due to
the South’s rickety transportation system.
Northern soldiers eventually became known for their
discipline and determination.
To find effective high-level commanders, the Union
used trial and error.
A supposed asset for the South at the beginning of the Civil War that never materialized to its real advantage was
intervention from Britain and France.
Most working people in Britain sided with the North because
they had been moved by Uncle Tom’s Cabin to want the end of slavery.
One reason that the British did not try to break the Union blockade of the South during the Civil War was that
they feared losing Northern grain shipments.
The South believed that the British would come to its aid because
Britain was dependent on Southern cotton.
During the Civil War, Britain and the US were nearly provoked into war by
the Trent affair, involving the removal of Southern diplomats from a British ship.
During the Civil War, diplomacy for the Union and the Confederacy
was critical for both.
Confederate commerce-raiders such as the Alabama
proved effective against Union shipping.
The Confederacy’s most effective commerce-raider was the
Napoleon III’s attempt to install Maximilian on the Mexican throne was a clear violation of
the Monroe Doctrine.
America’s minister to Britain, during the Civil War, under President Lincoln was
Charles Francis Adams
France abandoned its attempt to control Mexico
when the US threatened to force France to leave.
During the Civil War
relations between the Union and Canada were at times very poor.
The Southern cause was weakened by
the concept of states’ rights that the Confederacy professed.
As a leader of the Confederacy, Jefferson Davis
defied rather than was led by public opinion.
The problems that Abraham Lincoln experienced as president were less prostrating than those experienced by Jefferson Davis partly because the North
had a long-established and fully recognized government.
As president of the Confederacy, Jefferson Davis did not exercise the arbitrary power wielded by Abraham Lincoln because
of the South’s emphasis on states’ rights.
To fill the army’s demand for troops, prior to 1863, the North relied mainly on
In Lincoln’s attempts to preserve the Union, he did all of the following questionable actions as president:
1) Proclaimed a blockade of the Southern ports.
2) Increased the size of the federal army.
3) Suspended the writ of habeas corpus.
4) Advanced federal funds to private citizens without authorization.
The Union’s establishment of the National Banking System
was the first significant step toward a unified banking network since 1836.
All of the following are true statements about the federal conscription (draft) law:
1) It allowed draftees to hire substitutes.
2) Its provisions were unfair to the poor.
3) Men could pay $300 to purchase an exemption.
4) It inspired resentment and riots.
As a result of the Civil War, the Northern economy
greatly expanded its industrial and technological productivity.
Possessing _____ percent of the national wealth in 1860, the South claimed only _____ percent in 1870.
30, 12
The Civil War was a women’s war in all of the following ways:
1) As men left for war, women gained new job opportunities in government.
2) Military demand for shoes and clothing drew women into industrial employment.
3) Women aided men on the battlefront as spies or by posing as male soldiers.
4) Women were able to professionalize nursing.
Despite the war, 300,000 people migrated to the West, lured mainly by
the prospect of free land under the Homestead Act.
States that joined the Confederacy after the firing on Fort Sumter included:
1) Virginia
2) North Carolina
3) Tennessee
4) Arkansas
Border slave states that remained loyal to the Union included:
1) Kentucky
2) Missouri
3) Maryland
4) Delaware
Northern advantages at the outset of the Civil War included:
1) Control of the seas.
2) More banks, factories, railroads, and people.
King Cotton failed the South as a tool of wartime diplomacy because:
1) Britain held surpluses of cotton when the war began.
2) Textile workers in Britain favored the North.
3) The North sent captured cotton to Britain.
4) Britain developed alternative supplies of cotton in Egypt and India.
Confederate commerce-raiders
1) Dealt a devastating blow to the Union’s merchant marine.
2) Were almost all built in Britain.
President Lincoln’s loose interpretation of civil liberties during the Civil War
1) Resulted in the suspension of habeas corpus.
2) Led to the arrest of several critical newspaper editors.
3) Was defended by him as necessary to save the Union.
Like the North during the Civil War, the South
1) Exempted the wealthy from military service.
2) Experienced a high rate of desertion.
3) Relied mainly on volunteer enlistments.
4) Drafted men into military service.
To help pay for the Civil War, both the North and South
1) Raised taxes.
2) Printed paper currency.
3) Sold bonds.