Chapter 19 Flashcards
In 1857, the Supreme Court ruled in the Dred Scott decision that
protection of slavery was guaranteed in all the territories of the West
Harriet Beacher Stowe’s novel, Uncle Tom’s Cabin
intended to show the cruelty of slavery
Uncle Tom’s Cabin may be described as
a powerful political force
As result of reading Uncle Tom’s Cabin, many northerners
would have nothing to do with the enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Law
Harriet Beecher Stowe was described by President Abraham Lincoln as
the woman who wrote the book that started the Civil War
The roots of Harriet Beecher Stowe’s antislavery sentiments lay in the
evangelical religious revivals of the Second Great Awakening
When the people of Britain and France read Uncle Tom’s Cabin, their governments
realized that intervention in the Civil War on behalf of the South would not be popular
Hinton R. Helper’s book, The Impending Crisis of the South, argued that those who suffered most from slave labor were
nonslaveholding southern whites
In 1855, proslavery southerners regarded Kansas as
slave territory
In “Bleeding Kansas” in the mid-1850s, ______ was/were identified with the proslavery element, and ______ was/were associated with the antislavery free-soilers.
the Lecompton Constitution; the New England Immigrant Aid Society
In 1856, the breaking point over slavery in Kansas came with
an attack on Lawrence by a gang of proslavery raiders
President James Buchanan’s decision on Kansas’s Lecompton Constitution
hopelessly divided the Democratic party
The Lecompton Constitution was written so that Kansas
would continue to permit slavery in some form
The Lecompton Constitution proposed that the state of Kansas
protect slave owners already in Kansas
The situation in Kansas in the mid-1850s indicated the impracticality of ______ in the territories.
popular sovereignty
The clash between Preston S. Brooks and Charles Sumner revealed
passions over slavery were becoming dangerously inflamed in both North and South.
James Buchanan won the Democratic nomination for the presidency in 1856 because he
could distance himself and the Democrats from the Kansas-Nebraska Act.
John C. Fremont
Republican nominee for president
Millard Fillmore
Know-Nothing (American Party) nominee for president
Stephen A. Douglas
Too tainted by Kansas-Nebraska Act to obtain Democratic nomination
James Buchanan
Democratic nominee for president
The central plank of the Know-Nothing party in the 1856 election was
Nativists in the 1850s were known for their
anti-Catholic and antiforeign attitudes.
In the presidential election of 1856, the Republicans
revealed astonishing strength for a brand-new party.
The Republicans lost the 1856 election in part because of
southern threats that a Republican victory would be a declaration of war.
The real significance of the election of 1856 was that it
foreshadowed an ominous sectional clash over slavery in the election of 1860.
As late as 1856, many northerners were still willing to vote Democratic instead of Republican because
many did not want to lose their profitable business connections with the South.
In ruling on the Dred Scott case, the United States Supreme Court
argued that Congress could not prohibit slavery in the federal territories.
In the Dred Scott case, the US Supreme Court made all of the following determinations
1) It ruled that Dred Scott was a slave, not a citizen, and therefore could not sue in federal court.
2) It said that because slaves were private property, they could be taken into free or slave terriotories.
3) It declared that the Constitution protected slave owners’ rights to property no matter where they resided.
4) It stated that Scott should be returned to slavery.
The decision rendered in the Dred Scott case was applauded by
proslavery southerners.
Arrange these events in chronological order: Dred Scott decision, Lincoln-Douglas debates, Kansas-Nebraska Act, and Harpers Ferry raid.
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Dred Scott decision
Lincoln-Douglas debates
Harpers Ferry raid
For a majority of northerners, the most outrageous part of the Supreme Court’s ruling in the Dred Scott case was that
Congress had never had the power to prohibit slavery in any territory.
As a result of the panic of 1857, the South
believed that it was economically superior to the North.
In the North, the panic of 1857 created calls for
free homesteads and higher protective tariffs.
The panic of 1857
hit hardest among grain growers of the Northwest.
The political career of Abraham Lincoln could best be described as
largely a failure until his meteoric rise after 1854.
As a result of the Lincoln-Douglas debates
Douglas defeated Lincoln for the Senate.
Stephen A. Douglas argued, in his Freeport Doctrine, during the Lincoln-Douglas debates that
slavery would stay down if the people voted it down no matter what the Supreme Court said.
Lincoln stated that he believed that the black race was
inferior but entitled to the same natural rights as white people.
In his raid on Harper’s Ferry, John Brown intended to
call upon the salves to rise and establish a black free state.
After John Brown’s raid on Harpers Ferry, the South concluded that
the North was dominated by “Brown-loving” Republicans.
John Brown’s execution produced all of the following results
1) Harriet Tubman praised Brown’s support of freedom for slaves.
2) Abolitionists and free-soilers were outraged.
3) Ralph Waldo Emerson and other northerners hailed him as a martyr, much like Jesus.
4) Southerners wondered how they could stay in the Union.
Abraham Lincoln won the 1860 Republican party presidential nomination in part because he
had made fewer enemies than front-runner William Seward.
Abraham Lincoln
Banned slavery from the territories
Stephen Douglas
Enforced popular sovereignty
John Breckenridge
Extended slavery into the territories
John Bell
Preserved the Union by compromise
In the election of 1860, the Constitutional Union party was formed
as a middle-of-the-road party fearing for the break up of the union.
When Abraham Lincoln won the 1860 presidential election, people in South Carolina
rejoiced because it gave them and excuse to secede.
The government of the Confederate States of America was first organized in
Montgomery, Alabama.
“Lame-duck” President James Buchanan believed that
southern states could not secede under the Constitution.
President James Buchanan declined to use force to keep the South in the Union for all of the following reasons
1) Northern public opinion would not support it.
2) The army was needed to control Indians in the West.
3) A slim chance of reconciliation remained.
4) He was surrounded by pro-southern advisers.
Abraham Lincoln opposed the Crittendon Compromise because
he had been elected on a platform that opposed the extension of slavery.
Secessionists supported leaving the Union for all of the following reasons:
1) They were dismayed by the success of the Republican party.
2) They believed that the North would not oppose their departure.
3) They political balance seemed to be tipping against them.
4) They were tired of abolitionist attacks.
In declaring their independence, the Confederate States relied heavily on the example of the
principles of self-determination of the Declaration of Independence.
The immense debt owed to northern creditors by the South was
repudiated by the South.
All of the following are true statements about southerners in the secession movement:
1) They regarded their region as a subnation with a distinct culture form the North.
2) Secessionists were inspired by worldwide impulses of nationalism.
3) They resisted being lorded over by the North.
4) They saw parallels between their movement and the 1776 break with England.
Kansas Territory’s Lecompton Constitution was supported by
1) President James Buchanan
2) Proslavery settlers in Kansas.
In the Dred Scott case, the Supreme Court ruled that
1) Dred Scott was not a citizen of the US
2) Dred Scott could not legally sue in a federal court
3) The Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional
4) Congress had no power to ban slavery from a territory.
Before his nomination in 1860, Abraham Lincoln had been
1) A state legislator in Illinois.
2) A US congressman from Illinois.
3) A failed candidate for the US Senate.
The 1860 Republican party platform favored
1) Protective tariffs.
2) Construction of a transcontinental railroad.
3) Free homesteads.
4) Non-extension of slavery.
In the election of 1860, Abraham Lincoln
1) Won a majority in the Electoral College.
2) Won less than a majority of the popular vote.
The proposed Crittendon Compromise, if adopted, would have
1) Prohibited slavery north of 36 degrees 30’.
2) Guaranteed federal protection of slavery in territories south of 36 degrees 30’.
3) Permitted the expansion of slavery into new territories south of 36 degrees 30’.