Chapter 20 Flashcards
-contains neurosecretory cells that control the outpout of the anterior pituitary hormones (also known as the TROPIC hormones)
TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone)
Targets the thyroid gland
Thyroid stimulates metabolism
ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone)
Targets adrenal cortex
controls secretion of hormones from adrenal cortex
FSH (follicular stimulating hormone)
Targets the ovaries
stimulates follicle cells to secrete estrogen and stimulates production of sperm cells
Growth Hormone (GH)
Targets the entire body
Increases division of cells in the body
Prolactin (PRL)
Target memory glands
Milk production after birth
Anterior Pituitary
Contains endocrine cells (make other hormones)
Tropic hormones
Stimulate other endocrine organs
LH (luteinizing hormone)
secretion of sex hormones & releasing an egg cell in females
Hypothalamus controls the output of hormones in the anterior pituitary who controls the other organs in the body
Posterior pituitary
No cells exist here. Only hormones are dumped from the hypothalamus (ADH & OT)
ADH (Antidiuretic hormone)
Targets kidney tubules
Causes kidneys to conserve water in high concentration; increases blood pressures
Oxytocin (OT)
Targets uterine muscles & mammary glands
Contracts muscles in the uterine wall; contracts muscles with milk-seceting glands
Hypothalamus & Posterior pituitary Assoication
ADH & OT are made in hypothalamus and dumped in the posterior pituitary gland
Three things with Thyroid gland
Left & Right lobe of thyroid gland
Isthimus (middle) connects lobes
Follicular cells
controls TH
Thyroid hormone (TH)
control metabolism
Parafollicular cells
makes calcitonin
regulates calcium in blood stream. calcitonin brings calcium down in the blood stream if it is too high
Parathyroid gland
on the backside of the thyroid gland
makes parathyroid hormone (PTH)
Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
when calcium levels decreases, PTH is secreted in the blood stream to increase the calcium
adrenal gland
located above the kidney and have two types of tissues: medulla vs cortex
Cortex; type of hormones
Cortex; layers
Zona glomerulosa; mineralocorticoids (sodium)
Zona fasciaculata; glucocorticoids (glucose levels, cortisol)
Zona reticularis; gonadocorticoids (similiar to testorine &estrogen)
epinepherine aka adrenaline
Pancreas, endocrine
Pancreatic islet (islet of Langerhans)
PAncreatic Islet (alpha)
makes glucagon to increase blood sugar levels by the breakdown of glycogen
Pancreatic islet (beta)
makes insulin
lowers blood sugar levels by the uptake of glucose
Testosterone: maturation of sperm, protein synths in muscles
Estrogen: maturation of eggs (follicles)
Progesterone: prepation of pregnancy
produce gastrin: stimulates chief and parietel cells
secretin & cholecyostokinin: slowing emptying of stomach, stimulates gallbladder contraction & pancreatic juice release
erythropoietin (EPO): stimulates red blood cell production by marrow
Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP_): helps decrease blood pressure if gets too high
Pineal Gland:
Melatonin: coordinates sleep/wake cycles with daylight cycle