chapter 20 Flashcards
Only true weight bearing bone in the lower extremity?
What are the 7 carpal bones?
Calcaneus, talus, navicular, cuboid, first cuneiform, self second cuneiform, and third cuneiform.
Another term for heel bone?
Articulates with the tibia?
First and fifth are weight bearing bones? Also numbered medially to ł laterally?
Where the talus and Calcaneus meet & makes contact with ground first in gait (influences rest of foot)
Navicular, cuboid, and cuneiforms. Provides stability and mobility?
Metatarsals and phalanges. Adapts to level ground?
Three major functions of the ankle and foot?
1.shock absorption 2. Adapt to level of ground 3. Provide a stable base of support to propel body forward.
Where the tibia and fibula meet?
Tibulofibular joint
Another term for ankle joint
Talotibial joint
Where the talus and Calcaneus meet?
Talocalcaneus joint
Joint motion at the ankle?
Plantar flexion and dorsiflexion at the Talotibial joint
What does MTP stand for?
The reference point for toe adduction and abduction?
Second toe
Runs from Calcaneus to proximal phalanges? Helps support the lateral longitudinal arch
Plantar aponeurosis
O= medial head: medial condyle of femur
Lateral head: lateral condyle of femur
I= posterior Calcaneus thru alchillis tendon
A= knee flexion, ankle plantar flexion
O= posterior tibia and fibula I= posterior Calcaneus thru alchillis tendon A= ankle plantar flexion
O= posterior lateral condyle of femur I= posterior Calcaneus A= very weak assist in knee flexion, ankle plantar flexion
O= interosseous membrane, adjacent tibia and fibula I= navicular and most tarsals and Metatarsals A= ankle inversion assists in plantar flexion
Tibialis posterior
O= posterior fibula and interosseous membrane I= distal phalanx of the great toe A= flexes big toe, assists in inversion and plantar flexion
Flexor hallucis longus
Latin for big toe
O= posterior tibia I= distal phalanx of four lesser toes A= flexes the four lesser tours, assists in ankle plantar flexion and inversion
Flexor Digitorum longus
O= lateral tibia and interosseous membrane I= first cuneiform and Metatarsals A= ankle inversion and dorsiflexion
Tibialis anterior
O= fibula and interosseous membrane I= distal phalanx of great toe A= extends first toe, assists with able inversion and dorsiflexion
Extensor hallucis longus
O= fibula, interosseous membrane, tibia I= distal phalanx of four lesser toes A= extends four lesser toes, assists with dorsiflexion
Extensor Digitorum longus
O= lateral proximal fibula and interosseous membrane I= plantar surface of first cuneiform and Metatarsal A= ankle eversion, assists in plantar flexion
Peroneus longus
O= lateral distal fibula I= base of fifth Metatarsal A= ankle eversion, assists in plantar flexion
Peroneus brevis
O= distal medial fibula I= base of fifth Metatarsal A= ankle eversion, dorsiflexion
Peroneus tertius