Chapter 2: WELL Building Standard Flashcards
What are the 7 Concepts of WELL?
Adib Will Not Like Fish Chips Mayonaise
Air Water Nourishment Light Fitness Comfort Mind
How many features are there in the Air Concept?
How many features are there in the Water Concept?
How many features are there in the Nourishment Concept?
How many features are there in the Light Concept?
How many features are there in the Fitness Concept?
How many features are there in the Comfort Concept?
How many features are there in the Mind Concept?
How many features are there in the Innovation Concept?
How many features are there in total?
What is the aim of the Air Concept?
Optimizing indoor air quality by achieving performance thresholds.
What is the aim of the Water Concept?
Optimizing quality of water and improving its accessibility to promote hydration.
What is the aim of the Nourishment Concept?
Encourage healthier eating habits.
What is the aim of the Light Concept?
*Minimize *Disruption
Minimizing the disruption to the circadian rhythm, enhance productivity and improve moods.
What is the aim of the Fitness Concept?
Encourage integration of physical activity into everyday life.
What is the aim of the Comfort Concept?
Designing indoor environments that are distraction free, productive and comfortable for building occupants.
What is the aim of the Mind Concept?
Support mental and emotional health and well-being of building occupants.
What is the aim of the Innovation Concept?
Promote continuous advancement of WELL.
What are the strategies for the Air Concept?
Removal of airborne contaminants, pollution prevention and air purification.
- Ventilation
- Filtration
- Moisture Control
- Construction Protocols
- Protection from Endogenous Pollution
What are the strategies for the Water Concept?
Filtration, treatment and strategic placement.
What are the strategies for the Nourishment Concept?
*Availability *Encouraging
Increasing the availability and visibility of fresh foods, limiting the availability of foods with unhealthy ingredients and encouraging the practice of more responsible food culture.
- Food Production
- Sanitary Food Prep. Areas
- Healthy Foods
- Healthy Portions
- Mindful Eating
What is the strategy for the Light concept?
Better illumination.
What are the strategies for the Fitness Concept?
*Physical Activity
Integrating and supporting physical activity.
- Exterior Active Design
- Interior Active Design
- Physical Activity Spaces
- Activity-Based Working
- Awareness and Habits
What are the strategies for the Comfort Concept?
Controlling acoustics and thermal conditions and reducing known sources of discomfort.
What are the strategies for the Mind Concept?
Providing occupants with regular feedback and knowledge about their indoor environment
All features can be considered as a …?
Precondition or Optimization.
What does Optimization refer to?
Features that allow flexibility in how a project meets acceptable quantified thresholds.
What are Crosswalks?
Synergies between different certification programs
What are Trade-Offs?
One strategy being achievable while another strategy becoming challenging to comply with.
What are the 3 Project Types?
- New and Existing Buildings
- New and Existing Interiors
- Core and Shell
How many features are there for the “New and Existing Buildings” project type? What is the breakdown?
100 features
- 41 Preconditions
- 59 Optimizations
How many features are there for the “New and Existing Interiors” project type? What is the breakdown?
98 features
- 36 Preconditions
- 62 Optimizations
How many features are there for the “Core and Shell” project type? What is the breakdown?
54 features
- 26 Preconditions
- 28 Optimizations
How many Pilot Programs are there?
What are the 6 Pilot Programs?
- Community
- Commercial Kitchens
- Educational Facilities
- Retail
- Restaurant
- Multifamily Residential
For New and Existing Buildings, what is the % of floor area to be owned by the building owner?
For Core and Shell, what is the % of floor area to be owned by the building owner?
For Core and Shell, what is the % of floor area to be occupied by tenants?
For New and Existing Interiors, what does WELL address?
Portions or entirety of a building’s interior spaces unless (they are) undergoing major renovations.
What are the human bodily systems that WELL seeks to protect?
- Cardiovascular
- Digestive
- Endocrine
- Immune
- Integumentary
- Muscular
- Nervous
- Respiratory
- Reproductive
- Skeletal
- Urinary
What is an example of a synergy between the WELL Building Standard and the Living Building Challenge?
Furniture meeting voluntary material reporting requirements.
A feature in the Air Concept specifies that a percentage of the furniture in a project meets voluntary material reporting requirements such as those in Imperative 10 of the LBC 3.0.
What is an example of a synergy between the WELL Building Standard and LEED?
Permanent entry walk-off systems.
A feature in the Air Concept has the same requirements for permanent entry walk-off systems as those found in one of the Indoor Environmental Quality credits for the LEED BD+C.
What is an example of a synergy between the Comfort Concept and the Air Concept?
Adjustable workstation chairs to achieve ergonomic requirements for the Comfort Concept that are made of non-VOC-emitting materials to increase the indoor air quality for the Air Concept.
What is the aim of WELL for the Cardiovascular system?
Maintain or increase cardiovascular health.
What is the aim of WELL for the Digestive system?
Support proper digestive health.
What is the aim of WELL for the Endocrine system?
Maintain healthy endocrine functions.
What is the aim of WELL for the Immune system?
*Promote *Enhance
Promote and enhance the health of the immune system.
What is the aim of WELL for the Integumentary system?
Maintain integrity of the integumentary system.
What is the aim of WELL for the Muscular system?
*Physical *Ergonomics
Provide opportunities for physical activity and supporting proper Ergonomics .
What is the aim of WELL for the Nervous system?
*Support *Protect
Support cognitive function and protect the health of the nervous system.
What is the aim of WELL for the Reproductive system?
Protect reproductive health.
What is the aim of WELL for the Respiratory system?
Optimize the function and health of the respiratory system.
What is the aim of WELL for the Skeletal system?
Support the health and function of the skeletal system.
What is the aim of WELL for the Urinary system?
Protect urinary health.